
YR356 Trotsky Tried to Ruin this Show but Failed!


  • YR356
    • FAT
    • Yeast2 Long THeme Taylor E. Ross
    • beans
  • Pets
  • Dame Gagme Witherspoon
    • Parade- I n ever knew anything
  • Karmabanque
  • Norm Augustinus
  • son is a heterosexual
  • Dinner at the Carriage House Podcast
  • Madge Weinstein’s rebuttal to the President’s Radio Address
  • Tex Ass
    • need godaddy link
  • Mark from Detroit needs sex
  • Peeing??? WIggly or something weird.
  • Brother Love promo-
    • LIve performance in NYC coming on April 6 at Arlene’s 95 stanton street 8PM
  • By Madge

    Lesbian with food allergies.

    25 replies on “YR356 Trotsky Tried to Ruin this Show but Failed!”

    DONKEY DICK Sounds way better!!

    Try flipping the rolloffs switches. Leave the bass rolloff on and turn off the high rolloff..

    “Electrovoice has provided two levels of bass control right in the mic, two switches allow the user to add low frequency roll off, and a third switch drops the higher frequency output by 3 Db.”

    OK- right now none of the rolloff switches are on. Which so wich ones should be on? i.e. lowest, middle, and high?
    Also is this better to do this way then via EQ? Why?

    If none are on, then try rolling off the lowest freqs. You can maybe do this with eq, but why not try. huh?

    I think the Lavaleer sounds better. It seems a lot more clear. I just wish there was a better name for it. I quite like the name of the Donkey Dick.

    What is this fucking douche bag talking about, more jobs??? There are NO fucking jobs around here. Everyone that lives around here that has a decent job that pays above minimum wage has to drive an hour or more to their job. AND, those aren’t even good jobs, they’re shitty ass jobs. The thing that really sucks worse is the fact that I can’t get a job either, there aren’t any tech jobs. For me to get a decent job I am going to have to move out of the state. Fucking douche bag.

    I think both mics work for different situations. The Lavaleer picks up background noise which is good depending on what you are doing in your show… The Donkey Dick is good when you don’t want any background noise.. As far as how both pick up your voice, my vote is for the donkey dick!

    My sonic preference is actually the donkey dick because it isolates your voice from the background sound – but I see things from an audio producer’s perspective.

    The fact is, both sound fine for the application of recording the main part of your voice for Yeast Radio.

    I believe the next question to ask yourself is “what works best for you when you capture audio for your show?”

    Do you feel differently when you use the lav as opposed to the dong?

    I kind of think you end up letting a little more of yourself out when you use the lav as you walk around the house talking to us – kind of like we are following you around hanging out at your home. For that, I prefer you use the lav.

    On the other hand, if you have to cut promos or do any other voice over work, I WOULD NOT sell the Donkey Dick. That bit of isolation makes the difference between a professional and an amateur production. That kind of work is not supposed to be real-live – it’s supposed to be clean and pretty (or at least clean so a person can better work with the take in post).

    I have a shit load of mics so I can be prepared for anything. Do you have to be prepared for anything? Is that in your job description? If so, keep the dong – if not name a price. I’ll see if I’m interested.

    Hope this helps.

    Obama’s form e-mail said that “censure wasn’t a good option at this time.” (I had actually written saying we should impeach DoubleTurd, but that censure was the next best thing.)

    Well, if not now, when??! (Durbin said the same thing, unfortunately. I was disappointed.) Schakowsky said that supports trying to get DoubleTurd impeached, though…we can only hope. Oh, but I hear his minions saying “wah, you cain’t impeach that there prezzydent while weer at war!” Really?? Let’s try it and find out…

    At least DeLay resigned…but I’m sure he’s still pulling the strings (while he stands on a REEEAALLY tall ladder).

    It’s not a good option now, they say, because we are at war. The rest is obvious:
    1) It’s now the ‘long war’ so it will last forever
    2) Bush will certainly not end it while he’s president for it would mean centure and impeachment.

    You’re right. Christ, I hate him! And I wish he would wax his nose hairs–they’re grossing me out.

    sorry for the mundane comment, but the feed items seem to be missing the enclosure element since YR352.

    ok. apparently I needed to be getting the feedburner feed instead of the podshow feed. I’m always one step behind the cool kids.

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