
Help Wanted – Net Neutrality

I would like someone to come on my Sirius show to explain net neutrality in an easy to understand way. Is anyone out there qualified to speak on this subject? Please email me [email protected]


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

8 replies on “Help Wanted – Net Neutrality”

You know its sad that I probably listen to someone talk about this every single day and I STILL don’t understand everything. There is simply a LOT to it. If you do have someone on, I’d like to here both sides, even though I generally agree with the fact that it is bad, I would still like to see the other argument.

In my opinion, NO ONE has tackled this discussion in a way that it explains to everyone what is really going on and what both sides arguments are. Would be really glad to hear this come from Madge Weinstein.

While you are at it, you might want to tackle the new DMCA proposal, which is even scarier in my opinion.

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