

Many of you have asked me to define cunt.
Here it is.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

39 replies on “CUNT”

PLEASE, PLEASE tell me that was a joke. PLEASE.

The idiot thinks that proprietary software should be run on our goverment ships, etc. Do you really want to have an operating system on board that controls what you can do with your computer. Or would you rather use an operating system that you can change at will, LEGALLY.

Do you want to use an operating system that says you must pay $300 for a copy of it, for every single machine you want to use it on. Even if you own all three machines.

Do you want to use an operating system that says you are a pirate even though you purchased a copy of it!!!

Do you want to use an operating system that…ok, I could go on forever.

I swear, I hope that was a joke…

RepubliCUNTS are SOO stupid. They better stop talking about Tux, I’ll go sit on them! Its so funny, the blog is hosted on BLOGGER, which is a Google company who uses Linux! The guys DSL/Cable/T1 router is probably running a version of…guess what…LINUX!

Haha thanks for the link :), that article is hilarious. Actually that whole site is funny. Can the person behind it be really serious though ?!? That would make it really sad.

After I first discovered her blog I figured it was simply obnoxious satire a la Andy Kaufman (never ever end the act) Then I noticed the Iowa location. Now I’m not sure. I would have said nobody could be that stupid, but this is the nation that produced Limbaugh and Riley.

Little does Tristan know, that rugged IBM laptop he uses to search the bible is now manufactured by a Chinese company.

ROFL! That was the best, Madge. So well educated and authoritative, she would make an awesome guest on yeast radio.

If you all don’t know, the word CUNT stands
for, Can’t

I just don’t have much to say lately, but such is life. What can I say? I can’t be bothered with anything. I’ve just been staying at home waiting for something to happen. I haven’t been up to much these days, but pfft.

Please, tell me
best information,that is most popular about anything,but only legal and not adult.
With best regards.

Did you know that…
Subwoofer refers to either a woofer, or a complete loudspeaker dedicated to the reproduction of
bass audio frequencies, typically from 150 Hz down to 20 Hz.
hsu subwoofer
In the case of a rotary woofer, it is
possible to reproduce frequencies down to 1 Hz.

NKU Directory has for all time tried to live one step ahead of the changes in the web searches
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Добрый день, я собираю карикатуры, рисунки, смешные приколы. В моей коллекции больше 700 рисунков и забавных карикатур. Буду рад, если мне подскажут еще ресурсы типа вот этого Карикатуры, рисунки, абсурд-карикатура, где можно найти смешные авторские карикатуры.
Мне интересны именно авторские работы.

Извиняюсь, если запостил не в тот раздел, но я просто не нашел другого, более подходящего. спасибо.

Hello everybody, my name is Damion, and I’m glad to join your conmunity,
and wish to assit as far as possible.

Приветствую всех!
У меня такой вопрос,кто что интересное подскажет буду признателен.
Мы с друзьями собираемся поехать в круиз по просторам России и ближнего зарубежья месяца на два на своих машинах,но не как не можем согласовать маршрут,если у кого уже был опыт такого путешествия,может,что посоветуете.Девчонок с собой не берем,думаем,что во все городах России с этим не будет проблем,если у кого будут рекомендации и в вопросе отдыха с девушками тоже буду признателен.

С уважением Сеньчик

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