

Want turd buy a piece of Yeastory?
I’m getting rid of a bunch of shit. Make me an offer:
HP ZV6000 PC- 64BIT ATHALON CPU – AS IS- INCL SOFTWARE – Drive has been upgraded to a 5400 rpm drive 100gb. It was 4500 rpm when I bought it.
—(NOTE: I’ll consider throwing in my copy of Avid Xpress HD if the price is right!) IT’s worth a lot and the version is current. Dongle works wtih both pc and mac version)
mac ibook g4 800 mhz 640MB Ram 30 GB HD
mac ibook g3 600 mhz 128 or 256 ram – not sure 15 GB hd – Runs OS9
Wanda Wisdumb‘s pussy – FREE!
1 or 2 iSights
Griffin iMic
20 GB 4G iPod
iRiver 795 – goes up to 360kpbs recording bit rate.
OH! I also have a very special ATI radeon 9700 card that works with a G4 tower! THis enables a G4 tower to run Motion! I worked hard to find one of these on ebay. They are very rare.

NOTE: Since at this point, I’m not selling it on ebay, I will only sell to people who I know. That means listeners or friends I have corresponded with one way or another.

Make me an offer or ask questions bloatedlesbian@gmail.

I’d also be willing to autograph any of the shit shouuld you be lame enough to think that’s worth something. The ibook G3 was Gussie’s. Everything else above, has been used heavily in the production of Yeast Radio. THe mic is in great shape. The ibook g4 has ice cream stains on the keyboard. The ibook is under apple care until october of this year. I’m fat. The HP runs great, but it’s a little dirty and scratchy on the outside. YOu know I am not a NEAT FREAK so don’t expect otherwise, whores. Exept for the g3 ibook and the radeon 9700, everything has only been owned by me.

UPDATE: There is also the old radio shack analog mixer which I used originally in my productions. it is not worth much but it is of high sentimental value because it was my original setup.

UPDATE #2: I’ll also sell the Korg Microcontrol keyboard which is amazing expecially when using Logic. It’s a control survace with digital readouts for each fader in addition to being a keyboard.


YR357 Take the Bloat and Run (to the toilet)


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