
YR346 – Huh Good God Y’all

YR346 – Huh Good God Y’all

  • Communist Party
  • John Bechtel
  • Lesbian Drum Circle
  • Progressive Workers’ Party
    • Terry (It’s about racism)
    • A Stalinist communist party
    • web site
  • Reflections
  • Juan Torres’ father
  • Code Pink – Women for Peace
  • Two Gals – “It’s mother was a jackal”
  • Ironic players
  • Marching
  • Performers
  • Spanish Speaker
    • can someone translate this?
  • rap
  • The Anti-Minutemen
  • The Socialst Party – Eloda
  • The Illinois Ballot Integrity Project
  • Cab Ride
  • By Madge

    Lesbian with food allergies.

    6 replies on “YR346 – Huh Good God Y’all”

    It’s a shame that one of your interviewees, Terri from the PLP, believed that Stalin was not one of the most ruthless dictators in history, it is just the same as promoting the perverted beliefs of holocaust deniers like David Irving.
    I certainly would not like to be part of a coalition where basket cases that justify the crimes of Stalin are tolerated.

    If the USA and her allies had not intervened so callously in the affairs of Iran we would not be facing this new threat of Iran’s nuclear procurement programme.

    You said, “Don’t you think Americans are fuckin’ stupid?” I think it’s more that people in general have an oversion to thinking and the non-thinking Americans have their own flavor of not thinking.

    Be glad you think Madge. Even if people don’t agree with you, the fact that you think makes them at least respect you more.

    Goddamn it. Minute Mans are the only way we have to use our basic American rights and traditions. 1) Lawn chairs and umbrellas 2) Guns 3) Radios and shit like that 4) Hunting blinds

    Once you hunt humans, especially dark skinned ones, cause they is harder to see in the brush, you can’t go back to hunting dumb animals. Not with any real sense of joy anyways.

    I just wanted to commend you, Madge, on your interview of the person from the Communist Party. It was nice to hear his explanation of the party and its goals for the future (utilizing the existing system to further social change). However, I do not understand people’s misgivings on saying that Americans are stupid. Why is it okay to critique our government and politics, but not the American people?

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