
YR344 Sleep Binging and Iraq for Dummies

  • YR344 Sleep Binging and Iraq for Dummies
    • podcast badge
    • Usama Alshaibi
  • KarmaBanque
    • Ambien makes you blackout sleep binge.
  • Weekly Radio Address Rebuttal with Madge and Usama
  • Bush Administration rewrites security clearance rules to exclude gays.
    • I posted this show at a much smaller bit rate and therefore file size then my usual shows. Please let me know what you think of this.
  • Subscribe to Yeast Radio
  • By Madge

    Lesbian with food allergies.

    25 replies on “YR344 Sleep Binging and Iraq for Dummies”

    The sound is fine.
    I know that the non-synthetic opiates (morphine, opium, codeine) that are produced commercially are grown in specially-licensed opium poppy farms that are (supposedly) very access-controlled.
    Semi-synthetic opiates such as hydromorphone (dilaudid), oxycodone (oxycontin) are modified from leftovers from the extraction of the non-synthetics.
    Synthetic opiates such as fentanyl are synthesized in labs.
    Commercial production of these is limited to properly-licensed facilities. Very few companies hold such a license: companies like Abbott/Hospira, Alpharma, Roxane, and Watson come to mind.

    Hope this helps. Matt

    BTW, were you at Caribou around 10pm last night? I thought I saw you as I was on my way to Ping Pong for dinner.

    32 Kbps sounds fine on my build-in ibook speakers, but i’m not gonna listen to it on an ipod. Hate that damn “cooking” sound.

    If you do mono 56 Kbps will do fine, in stereo i’d use the settings you’re using now. I don’t really care about lower quality, it’s that damn cooking sound that pops up if you encode at lower bitrates. It won’t bother me if you do an interview with Jaques Cousteau, but he’s dead.

    I wonder if the Busch administration is going to use this as an excuse for their gay/security issues: The reason homosexuality is security clearance issue is that they are more likely to be manipulated by evil-doers because they have “something to hide” [being their homosexuality]?

    Of course, if the Busch administration and the other douche-bag closed minded homophobic people keep demonizing homosexuality it will be something that can be held over the gay community’s head.

    To that, I think what Madge, QPodders and the rest of the positive, forward thinking gay and gay supportive community is doing to “normalize” or at least de-demonize homosexuality through good works and productivity — such as this very podcasting community — is goodness. The less of a “demon” it is, the less ground the oppressive organizations have on which to stand.

    And, maybe, it will even make it acceptable for straight men to enjoy musicals, too.

    A blessing on your heads, Mozeltof. Mozeltof.

    OH! — I really want to answer that question but I wanted to wait until I could go home to my reference monitors and a nice pair of head phones. Answer to come soon.

    …and done. Granted you can tell it’s compressed but your combination of applying both 32kbs with the 22.050 hz mono on the material you had for today along with they way you compress and noise gated your audio it think it worked. I’m sure that Adam is happy that you’re not using up all of Podshow’s bandwidth. Compression (both audio and data) is a compromise. Over all, Madge, I’d give this a thumbs up — the proper tools for the application. I wouldn’t use this for a serious analysis of Susan Graham’s singing technique in Der Kavalier but for this I think you’re spot on this episode of Yeast Radio. I WAS NOT distracted by the audio quality – which is pretty much the goal in podcasting.

    I missed a call earlier and I looked at the caller ID and it said (202) 000-0000, I googled the number and it looks like it is coming from the White House!!! Planes have been flying over all day, very low! I need a bunker! I am scared!!!

    I really hope that has nothing to do with that jet that flew over the house the other day, REALLLLLLLY low and almost stopped mid-air, and done a flip, then circled and went back the way it came.

    Please, could it be possible to have just one show without Ch***l, her monotone drone spits from this toothless gape a relentless ooze of bestial discharge.
    We should be grateful that the sound quality was diminished it is merciful in that way.

    Fuck You, straightchris. Couldn’t there be one show that you don’t god damn bitch about something? Eat this hot leather jerky, eat that smokey meat. COME’on! You know you can hear me in your head as you read this… HOONEEEY.. I am in there… just a matter of time before you begin TURD love me. COME’ON!

    I never knew Ambien was used to get high… ugh! People are stupid! Being an insomiac that I am… I’ve been taking Ambien for some time now… never got high, just passed out.
    xoxox’s – Dag

    Usama was great — he provided more of an insight into what was going on that almost anything else I’ve read or heard– I think he’s right, as much as we’d like to leave right away, we owe it to the people and to the stability of the region to stay

    As to that Karmabaque guy– he’s raving, paranoid lunatic–(I wonder what his source of income is, living as an expat-not corporate I hope)

    I digagree with Usama on the issue of rebel fighters who kidnap activists. In the end, I just don’t think they see the difference or think rationally… you see a westerner, you kidnap a westerner and using simple irrational logic you think— doesnt matter, its someone from over there. I don’t think they take the time to care or think about what the specific person does or believes. I disagree with the blanket description that they are simply evil.. I think theyre angry and their country has been invaded and it may not make sense, but this is what they do.

    PS– there is no soviet union for iran to cooperate with.

    Usama didn’t say the insurgents were evil for evil’s stake–he said that the goal was to do cause chaos so that a fundamentalish Islamic state could take root — it worked in Afghanistan what not here– he’s right on the money

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