
YR339 Beware of Chinamen Bearing Breasts featuring Karmabanque, Rachel Kann’s Mother, Censwhoreship, Roger Smalls, Shitting, the Italian Prime Ministurd, Lenny

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Just for fun.

Show Notes:

  • YR339
    • Yeast2 Theme- Taylor E Ross
    • Kitchen Bitch
    • Bareback Mountain and why queens love to be cortiers and castrattas. I dont’ care how you spell it.
    • The only thing I like about Felicity huffman is that she had the courage to not get botox.
    • heh
    • al jolson = heath ledger?
    • queens in denial
  • Roger Smalls is spotting again
  • Jewish laws about menstruations
  • Criffy on Eat THis Hot Show #27!
    • Special on CHINA!
  • Song: Too many creeps
    • shitting
  • Straight Chris tries to get laid with Berlocsconi or something.
  • Karmabanque
    • eunich seeds will cause billions to live in poverty
  • Bell South and ATT reunited.
  • 1enny bruce on censwhoreship
  • By Madge

    Lesbian with food allergies.

    10 replies on “YR339 Beware of Chinamen Bearing Breasts featuring Karmabanque, Rachel Kann’s Mother, Censwhoreship, Roger Smalls, Shitting, the Italian Prime Ministurd, Lenny”

    Goddammit Madge — you’re making me think! And it’s making me ill.

    That comment Max and Stacy said about Terminator Seeds got me looking — and what I am finding is making me sick. What I found so far, in short, says that Monsanto / Delta and Pine Land Company has developed these seeds to basically make it so the neighbor of a farmer who uses these seed can’t “accidentally” benefit from the neighboring crop blowing into their fields and “Their purchase of new seed each year insures quality and funds new research that leads to new and improved products.” (read: farmers will be forced to pay Monsanto more money to do more research – yeah right – more fuckin’ terminator seeds – do you think they can stop at just one?).

    I thought this country tried to bust up monopolies decades ago. The DOJ took Microsoft to task for creating a monopoly. But it seems as if since our current government came into power, all that has gone out the window: media monopolies, no-bids in the middle east, new-and-improved ma bell, etc. And this new breed seems to have even less respect for human beings than the preceding. Thank you mr. skull and crossbones lay in a coffin naked and your buddy who likes to shoot his friends.

    Maybe I shouldn’t get sick. Maybe I should just start my own monopoly. Wanna start one with me Honeeeeeey! How about genetically altered yeast?

    The fresh, the fresh, the Cottonell, the fresh — not fresh any more. – M Weinstein, 2006.

    I can understand your frustration that gay people were not chosen for the characters in Brokeback Mountain, but I think they are unwarranted. Shouldn’t, by that line of reasoning, you be replaced by a real lesbian rather than the one you tongue-in-cheek play?

    Seeing the movie and especially reading the short story would give your argument a better basis on which to stand. Nowhere in the short story does it mention that the characters are homosexual. The relationship they are in is a homosexual one in that they are both of the same sex. It is only assumed that they are gay beause we only see the same-sex attraction, hardly any of the opposite-sex attraction/action or their wedding. Right off the bat we have a skewed view. Furthermore, this assumption is based on the heterosexual-homosexual binary. Couldn’t they be bisexual? Does sexuality even matter? There are potential political ideas behind this short story/movie that are worth investigating but the lowest common denominator it is a love story.

    For TransAmerica a MTF transexual was interviewed for Felicity Huffman’s part but turned it down because she knew that with Felicity as the lead that it would get more visibility. Actors aren’t supposed to portray themselves on the stage/screen, they are supposed to portray a character.

    Not that I necessarily disagree with Madge but one thing that having straight actors portraying gay characters does is points out that the only difference between gays and straights (and this is over simplified – sorry) is the gender preference bit. Therefore, if everything else is supposedly THE SAME, why not give gays THE SAME rights, privileges and respect to the gays as are given the straight people.

    I think the biggest issue really should be: did gay actors get passed over in order to place straight actors in the roles. But by that token, that should be an issue on all movies – not just movies with gay characters.

    Further more, any media that brings the gay community to the surface as just another part of society instead of some phenomena that can’t even be discussed unless it’s in hushed tones or cruel humor is positive movement. So long as homosexuality remains a mystery, the general public will make up its own version of what it is. So far that version hasn’t been that great and hasn’t been that fair. Personally, the more I get to know gay people the more I understand them and the more I appreciate them.

    Let’s celebrate our differences.

    good show, as always. please remind your gentle audience, that if they are sporting cingular cellphones they are feeding into the shit that is the bell south, at&t merger. coporate whores be damned!

    please clean up your email inbox. i tried to email you somethings, but could not, as your box if FULL!

    thank you for playing lenny. i love lenny.
    h xo

    It’s acting for shit’s sake. If they were gay people playing gay people it’s not as much of a stretch. Tootsie should have been played by a woman.

    Does bigotry exist? Sure. Descrimination? Sure. But that’s not the issue. Now maybe at the National Academy of Bigots…

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