
Yeast Video: Wanda Wisdom is a Whore

What a whore.

See more of Wanda’s videos at

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

13 replies on “Yeast Video: Wanda Wisdom is a Whore”

It says a lot about the love Wanda has for her audience — and Madge’s, too — that she took the time to nicely curl her kooter. Some gals don’t take that kind of care with the curtains, much less the carpet.

OMG! OMG! That’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. I watched it four times. What kind of camera are y’all using?


(Why can’t they ever show W. tripping and falling over chairs, like they always did w/ Gerald Ford? You can’t tell me that W. doesn’t do that…)

It’s true, the mainstream media have been pretty restrained…they don’t ever show any physical gaffes. (Of course, maybe they just think that with all the VERBAL ones he makes–daily–showing any physical blunders would just be gilding the lily.)

I can’t believe Wanda forgot the chocolate was there…I’d have been looking for it as soon as I set it down! She must have more discipline than I do…

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