
YR331enhanced – Pretty Bloat and All

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The final leg
of the longest care ride ever.

This is an enhanced podcast, which means you need to deal with it on an itunes or ipod. Regular version will come later on. The pictures are pretty.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

37 replies on “YR331enhanced – Pretty Bloat and All”

This enhanced thing is really cool, but there’s way too many naked gay men! Aren’t you a lesbian? Where’s the pussy fisting and the women who look like John Goodman?

Im imagining the people sitting on the subway or on a train somewhere with their ipod video in their hands and the person next to them glancing over… man thats fun.

Clean Coal, well, its supposed to burn cleaner… but its still bad for everyones health.. just less so than the other coal. And you still have to mine it.. and its like you said.. still a huge problem.

Nuc-ya-ler is a deadend road. Lots of electricity with seemingly less pollution, but no foolproof way of storing the waste.. meanwhile it seems into our water and our environment and new diseases and sicknesses emerge. And you hit the nail on the head referring to westinghouse and GE.. these are the companies that stand to benefit most, nevermind making energy for america.

Loretta is the ‘proud’ coleminer’s daughter, not the late Tammy.

‘Clean cole’ generally refers to turning cole into gasses presure burning the gasses, not the cole itself, not burning thus not releasing the CO2 gasses to the environment. It does not refer to the damage done by stripping vast area’s turning them into wastelands.

Nuclear energy has the disadvantage that the amount of uranium is also limited (some say 30 years left) it takes about 15 years to get the powerplant operational, so only 15-20 years to write it off.

Hello. Where is your regular cast? Norman and Karma and Cheryl, the regular show? This is the show I have come to expect. You are not the only person in the world to have suffered a a loss of a loved one. You must move forward. I will not be back especially after seeing all the photographs of naked men. They were most offensive.

Shut the fuck up. This is a human being we are talking about who is NOT your personal entertainer. It’s completely offensive that you would order Madge to “move forward” and basically tell her she’s selfish and “not the only person in the world” to suffer a loss just because YOU miss a “regular show” and it wasn’t the show YOU personally have come to expect. Care about someone other than yourself.

Anyway, If you were actually a long-time listener you would know that Madge DOESN’T have a regular, structured show and that’s what most of her fans enjoy, especially her “on the road” shows.

So get a fucking grip, you self-absorbed, callous piece of shit.

AMEN! I totally agree. Whoever rashid1124 is needs to get a life. But you know what, just one less listenturd we gotta worry about. I enjoyed the pictures! Now I can multi-task while listening to Madge 😉

I agree! Whoever Rashid is needs to get a life!

Rashid should probably get a life, himself.

But not until I show him Jesus, with my antique wooden strap-on, infused with the stank of a thousand holes.

rashid1124, that was a bunch of cartoons of naked men and as we all know nobody gets offended by cartoons anymore. And “You must move forward”? Madge was driving a car, do you think she was driving it in reverse? Of course she’s moving forward.

Rashid, I want to fuck your honey-flavored pucker with my smelly splintery strap-on. Have some kaopectate so we can use your sweet and sour diarrhea as lube. If you’re one of those sultry sexy Ay-Rabs, I’ll eat your brownsugar hairy whore hole, just for fun.

Call it shits and giggles, if you will.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I think Madge has moved on a HOLE lot quicker than I would if I lost a hot slice of pie like that Gussie. I’m not up on the social conventions, Vadge, but are congratulations in order?

Quotes self: “Have some kaopectate so we can use your sweet and sour diarrhea as lube.”

I should clarify: if you can’t take the half-dose, and it makes you upchuck rather than loosens your stools, we’ll use your sour chunky jam instead. Whatever’s clever, honey.

I hope my hubby-to-be isn’t reading this.

I was surprised to see how well it works, as I am using an older version, and when playing other enhanced podcasts, it often had some problems going forward from picture to picture. But all of this show’s pictures seemed to load just fine.

iTunes is such crap on my computer, movies, audio files, they’re always so choppy on my cuntputer, thank the Lesbian goddess there are alternatives!

Thanks to stupid southerners the word nucular is now acceptable. But it’s a total mispronuciation of the word nuclear, referring to the nucleus of an atom (not to be confused with adam) in the context that chief dumb ass is referring to the term. If you could clearly mispronounce the word Atom referring to Adam, I am convinced that George Bush would pronounce Atom as Adam. Unfortunatly this level of stupidity is not discernable.


I’d love to hear Cheryl read the Bible out loud. Some how INRI will end up standing for something like Infected Nagging Rectal Itch. The old whore can really turn a phrase — she brings a smile.

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