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YR328 Juan Montealegre’s Memorial Service Officiated by Ragan Fox and Rachel Kann

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Amazing and transcendant.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

33 replies on “YR328 Juan Montealegre’s Memorial Service Officiated by Ragan Fox and Rachel Kann”

Duerme en mi jardin

Las blancas assucenas

Los Margos y las rosas

Mi alma tan triste y templorosa

A las flores quiere ocultar

Su amargo dolor

Io no quiero

Que las flores sepan

Los tormientos que me da la vida

Se supieran lo que estoy sofriendo

De pena morreria tambien


Que estan dormiendo

Los margos y las assucenas

No quiero

Que sepan mis penas

Porque se me ven llorando


Madge, thank you so much for sharing this with all of us who could not attend. This was a very, very nice tribute to Gussie.

With Love, always, Andy.

Madge, I only discovered your show through the news of Gussie’s death but already he, and you, have profoundly touched my life. Thank you for sharing and all the best to you during this difficult time.
N x

Damn know how to make me cry in front of my own students *smiles*
Thank you for making this real for us who couldn’t be there with you.
Luv you bunches!

One of the most beautiful tributes i have ever heard! Ragan and Racheal did an amazing job… during such a difficult time. I love you Madge!… thinking about you and sending positive vibes from my heart to yours.

Peace and love, every1 – Dag

What an amazing and touching service. Ragan and Rachel did a terrific job. This entire service was a testament of your love for Gussie. Gussie’s memory is, indeed, a blessing . . . now, to us all. Thank you for allowing us to share this moment with you.

Wow. Brilliant eulogy, just totally perfect and appropriate. Such beautiful poetry and speeches, Rachel and Ragan. I’m near tears. Did Ms. Newsom play during the ceremony or was added during posr-production? It was very fitting.

Thank you for sharing this incredible tribute to Juan. The music, speeches and stories are all so touching and perfect. It has been a true privilege. Thank you.

Speechless… Such a wonderful affirmation for Juan, yourself and your respective families & friends. Bless you, Rishy.

Rest now & allow yourself to be loved and cared for.

Just as you have done.

I appreciate and am honored by your sharing of this memorial service. What an amazing tribute. I never really know what to say…I just wanted to let you know I’ve been thinking about you alot since I heard the news this weekend. Take care of yourself and as someone else said…be sure to let others take care of you.

I can’t express my gratitude that you posted this. You’ve extended Juan’s memory like a flower blooming spanning around the earth. Today we all shared in a beautiful human life and reflected on our own close connectivity to that person, even though most never met him in person. I am sorrowful and somehow moved by the beauty of Juan’s life and hope to learn from it. So… once again thank you.

The Philip Glass piece was absolutely perfect and made me cry… here in my room, thousands of miles away.

Beautiful and moving. Even in this profound grief you expand our minds and experience. You make the world brighter, just as Juan and his life made/make it brighter. Thank you for sharing with us all.

Madge, My thoughts are with you. Although I didn’t know Juan personally, I can tell that he he is loved so much. I was moved to tears while listening to the eulogy, not because of sadness, but by the overwhelming feeling of love.

Such a moving memorial service. How brave and giving of you to share so much. It is hard to listen to others go through such pain, but their stories and yours, along with the beautiful portrait of Juan that you posted, give us a glimpse of a lovely, remarkable person. You are so fortunate to have had him in your life and how fortunate that he had you. It rang true, what you said about not feeling right referring to Juan in the past tense. It makes sense really, that we are not our bodies. His essence and being are not gone, only his body. As I sit miles away at my computer, with eyes brimming, sharing at least a small shred of your pain, never having met you or Juan, it occurs to me that this is an illustration (a parallel? proof?) of a connection between people, without physicality. People on different planes, if you will. Connected by the unseen, often one-sided. But a connection just the same. Madge, thank you for sharing with all of us.

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