
YR328 Cunt Passion

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Ethel said it best.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

37 replies on “YR328 Cunt Passion”

Your collection of thoughts illustrates your love for Juan, the places and events in a uniquely vivid way.

Someone once said “The only cure for grief is action”, and you doing this show is a great commitment to life, just like your work is a commitment to action. I wish more of us were able to follow your example.

I send my deepest condolensces. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with us. I’ll be thinking of you specially on this difficult day.

What a perfect podcast: your honesty and openness is one of the main reasons I listen faithfully. Poignant and at times hilarious.

BTW, despite their passing, I continue to love everyone that I have ever lost. The love is there and continues.

Love to you this day…

PS: Lesbian bathhouse? “…like apples being bobbed for by no one…”

Thanks for giving your sorrow to us, honey. We’ll take care of it.

At 7 PM tonight, when you say goodbye to Juan, the Eiffel Tower says goodbye to the night by sparkling like a diamond for a final ten minutes before surrendering to darkness. I will be gazing at that at my window and thinking of Juan and of you.

Wishing you all of my love today, Madge. Please know that all us who can’t make it to Miami (all over the world) tonight… we still are thinking of you… with so much love… (and then a few assholes who still hate you too).

I listened to the show this morning on my way to Philadelphia and even though we never met, I felt like you were sitting next to me sharing a part of your life. Through the magic of technology I could feel your love for Gussie and how much she meant to you.

I believe the single biggest gift you could honor someone with is sharing with others how wonderful a person Gussie was. I never met her, but she will be in my thoughts all day. You honored her with your tribute today and beacuse of that I learned a little bit more about what love truly is.

My best.


How beautiful. I had to hold myself back from crying when you told that story. The love you had for each other was obviously great, and thats something no disease or person can take from you. Be strong, we all love you.


This is just so touching, so honest and funny too. Beautiful. A fitting tribute to Gussie. Thank you for sharing this.

Going to/through hell sucks but one small benefit is that once you come back you know you can do it — again, if necessary. Keep up the good fight, Madge, and we welcome back home with open arms.

Thank you for sharing this with us, so much love – all of my love, my best, it’s all for you today – you are in my heart Madge.

Anyone who has read the comments and thoughts shared by this group – a community of friends – is moved by the love we have for Madge, and even though her character would never say it, we all know just how much she loves us. With moistened eyes, I send you all the positive energy I can muster. (HH)

God Bless You Madge. Thank you for sharing such personal stories and memories with all of us, the gentle audience. I admire your strength and courage during this very difficult time. You are very much loved by all of us listenturds.

Madge, A beautiful show. I’ve been quietly listening to you since the summer, never thought to write, ’til now. Peace, love and strength to you during this time.

You mentioned that it was hard to speak of a love that is still alive in the past tense. It made me think of how I coped with the unexpected death of a close friend. To this day, I simply think of him as being my friend who I haven’t seen in the longest time. I miss him, but he’s not gone. I’ve just lost contact with him.

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