
YR325 Cuntzales is a Filthy Tiny Cocked Napoleanic Whore. Also Norm and Karmabanque and the Whore of Whores, CHERYL!

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Eat me.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

10 replies on “YR325 Cuntzales is a Filthy Tiny Cocked Napoleanic Whore. Also Norm and Karmabanque and the Whore of Whores, CHERYL!”

I don’t understand what the “Mike” guy is trying to do. The e-mail isn’t very clear when it’s read aloud, at least to me it isn’t. Could you copy and paste it here?

Team Ozark
to me
More options Feb 7 (14 hours ago)
hi madgster…
need a webmaster
to set up for free downloads
and dvd blueray down loads…
help doll
we need to talk on land line
long time FAN
573 743 3699
will call ya back
ie pay 4 call


Makes me want to call and say “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, ASSHOLE??!?!? I will be your MASTURD, but you better as fuck get down on your god damn knees and lick this clit. LICK THIS SMOKEY CLIT. Lick it and leave my HOOONEEY madge the fuck alone, MIKE.”

You said that a lot of Europeans don’t understand the American PR machine. What do you mean by that? It must be behind the scenes or something cause GW sucks at PR.

I work at a school that’s kinda like the Dutch equavalent of a highschool and the school pulled Coca Cola from the vending machines cause the kids didn’t want it anymore. It’s just a small example but in my opinion the gap between the US and Europe is getting bigger and bigger.

CNN lost their credibility in the Netherlands due to their Iraq war coverage, even though CNN international is less bias than “regular” CNN.

Shit, now i’m doin’ the same thing you’re doing, seeing things from my perspective…

There’s hardly any fear of terrorism here, there is confusion about terrorism which leads to the occasional arrest of some poor Arabic man who happens to be praying on a train. And European privitization isn’t the same as US privitization cause we got so many fucking rules. Yeah the railway system is privatized but the government still tells ’em that 89 percent of the trains have to be on scedule. Healthcare has always been privatized, the only thing that has changed is the funding.

Theyre not afraid of terrorism in the netherlands? Once a month I listen to air-raid sirens blasting through the streets of Amsterdam… they say its a “test just in case”. In my experience, this country is most definitely scared (and borderline paranoid) about terrorism.

Also let me add to the list of whats been privatized in different countries of europe in the last 10 years: Power, Water, Rail, Air, highways, banks, postal services, universities, hospitals, farming collectives, fisheries, mines…. its going at different speeds in different members states, but there is plenty of evidence that the privatization machine is rolling in the EU.

The air-raid sirens tests are performed on the 1st monday of every month. They’ve been doing that as long as i can remember but they stopped testing them after the cold war ended in the early 90’s. The testing started again in september 2003 because it turned out that most of the sirens didn’t work anymore. If they were paranoid the testing would have started again right after 9/11.

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