
YR321 Shoes, Feet, and Stern

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Exhausted from caretaking, I interview my talented and lovely hostess, h d, play a special rant from Ragan Fox, teach Howard Stern the Internets, and of course, that whore Cheryl produces sound for a while.

h d\'s Betina
h “Betina”

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

20 replies on “YR321 Shoes, Feet, and Stern”

That show was really good. I really enjoyed listening to your hostess talk about the shoes. I was sad at the end because the 48 minutes went by so quickly.

Re: regans fox’s comments. Jesus christ, don’t be such a fucking Mary. The producers of the film selected the actors that they felt would best portray the characters. But they need to select gay actors to play the gay rolls? Give it a rest. Everytime I go to the theatre I see gaggle of fags tip toeing around the stage. Should the straight actors be demanding representation. Get over yourselves already. What is the % of americans that are gay? 3%? Tom Cruise alone is 3% of all actors..

Which way? Right side up? Sideways? With a yogurt spoon in your mouth? With a vagisil injector in your cunt? HEH?

Erik Blah-zynski is an untalented loser. He has super AIDS AAAAAAAAAND a receding hairline. Erik Blah-zynski isn’t aware of even the most basic statistics regarding gay U.S. Americans. Erik’s eyebrows have crabs. He spells his name with a “K,” because it’s the only drug that makes him tolerable. His father brutally molested him with a broom handle & now he’s a mop-sexual. Erik B., go to Dawn and Drew, because this gaggle-o-fags doesn’t care for you! I’m sticking my tongue out (in preparation for your mother’s crap door).



P.S. I’m not mad at you, because you were clearly talking about REgan Fox. That REgan Fox is a Mary.

Here are the stats on gays in america… They are 3% of the population, they bitch about 99% of the time. They think they are entitled to 110% of the things that str8s have, and they want the rest of society to pay for 100% of their super aids medication. I will NOT listen to Dawn and Drew, with their silly talk and their durex condoms. I prefer Madge Weinstein, Regans Fox and wanda wisdom.

And don’t post my real name asshole. If you want me to run for public office and set you assholes free you can’t out my inflamitory posts..

I believe the word is smokey you stupid bitch. Fuck… what does a young womyn have to do to get some respect around here? Skinny bitches with transparent skin (like ragans) never shut their traps do they?

Did you see that Cindy Sheehan was arrested at the president’s address? WTF, they said that she was a protesturd. These are scarry times we live in…

What a great show! Hollye was so fun to listen to. I never thought shoes could be that deep… I couldn’t agree with RAgan more. Keep up the good work.

I really enjoyed Brokeback Mountain, It was tragic and beautiful, but wasn’t it really just about love? not so much Gay/straight or bi, simply freindship and love.
I didn’t like all that “Gay Cowboy” crap and still don’t. I just took it for what it is. I believe in equal rights, not special rights, but I don’t think a gay actor would have made that much of a deal portraying either one of them (maybe that would have REALLY made it a “Gay Cowboy Movie” and it would have never been such a great hit and made it to the masses. Shit.. aren’t most actors are gay anyways, even the married ones. Just enjoy it, and quit ranting about it. It is a beautiful story. Just..A story. Great show Madge! I really enjoyed listening to Hollye as well, her art is amazing!! and I love anyone that can go out and buy 30 pairs of shoes!

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