

Gussie passed away this morning at around 6:40 AM.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

82 replies on “Fin”

Madge, I am so sorry to hear about Gussie. My thoughts are with you and the rest of Gussie’s family. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

I started crying when I read this. I feel like flying out to show you my support and love. Seriously. Just say the word if you need people around you. (I generally need the opposite)… so please remember there are no rules to any of this and do FIRST what you need to do to take this all in. (In other words, don’t listen to anyone’s advice… Fuck ’em!)


How very sad please accept my sympathies I feel privileged that you have been gracious enough to share this time with us.

my most sincere sympathies to you and the rest of gussie’s family. I know you’ll have the strength to take on this loss. Obviously, we fans are all behind you- your friends, etc. will be there for you- take that support as much as you can- My thoughts are with you. Be well.

Dear Madge, I am so sorry to hear about Gussie. My thoughts are with you and the rest of Gussie’s family.

I offer you my deepest condolences and symptahies to you and Gussie’s family.

When I read the statement… It took my breath away. I am so very sorry, Madge! So sorry!

I feel awful that this is my first feedback ever, having listened to your show every day since last spring. I really wish I could help you somehow, but since I live in Warsaw, Poland, I can do virtually fuck all for you.
I’m sorry.

Madge, you have captured listeners all over the globe. You are an amazing human lesbian and I hope you understand that there are thousands of us out there who loves you and honestly wants to support you in any way possible, even if you hate the cliché!
So, fuck us all, but, it the truth!

To Gussie. To You. Our love. Always.

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.
– Isaac Asimov

My deepest condolences to you and to Gussie’s family.

I was shocked and saddened to read of Gussie’s death. I am thinking of you. I offer condolences to you, her mother (my god she must be devastated; to outlive one’s child is a parent’s worst nightmare) and her other friends and relatives.

Jennifer just let me know, Madge, I am so sorry for your loss. I will continue to keep you & Gussie’s family in my thoughts and prayers.

Madge, you alwasy try to make something good out of something bad — I’ve heard you say that with my own ears. What ever this will be, will probably be astronical. In the mean time, Marji and I are sorry for your loss.

The wind is whistling
The wind is whistling
Through the house

Gussi are you out there somewhere
Looking like a happy woman?
In the snow with Rosebud
And queen of the mountain.

Can’t find my own words so I took Kate’s.

I feel very sorry for you. Just be assured we all share your grief. Keep up the good work as it is good and important work. I know this hurts and stinks and nothing will be the same again. But everything will be alright as well soon.

All the best from Germany.

Madge, I’ve been supporting my father through his cancer treatments this last year and your show has helped me laugh through some very grim times. I’m truly sorry for your loss.
Peace be with you.

I am very sorry for your loss. I don’t know what to say… We will try to help you get through this — when you’re ready.


Dear Madge, my thoughts are with you and all I can say is I love you and I hope you have people there to give you support, again I’m so sorry for your loss.

Love Erik

We are very sorry for your loss. Its very hard to lose someone you love. Juan was a very special person and the two of you shared a life. You had a very special and unique relationship. We hope you cherish it always. Our thoughts are with you. We know that Juan will live on in your heart, and ours, and in the only good clothes you wear. He had such great fashion sense.

My condolences to you. You’ve shared so much with all of us listeners, strangers in the dark. I want to give you a hug. Sending my love to you.

I read about the funeral through Ragan’s podcasts and at first I didn’t believe it. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go something as painful as this. Know that I’ll be thinking of you. I know you can make it through this.



I know you don’t know me from the next person, but I’ve come to feel like I know you after listening for so long. Both you and Juan have touched my life — as silly and/or imprudent as that may sound — and I am sincerly sorry and saddened about your loss.

Despite your comments about similar offers in a recent show, I have to put this out there: Please let me know if you need help with anything. I live a bit north Chicago and would like to help you with anything you might need once you get back home.

Much love to you.

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I just heard the terrible news. I’m so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you during this impossible time, as they are with the rest of Gussie’s family.

I hope that in this most trying of times, you can gain support from this international community that you have been so instrumental in creating. You are much loved, be sure to remember that always.

Madge, my love, I don’t what to say to make it better. With as many words as we possess in this day in age, we should be able to heal things with them. I can’t express how much i love you. You’re story with Juan inspired so many people. You touched so many hearts, minds, souls, and extended your love to so many wonderful people. I have made a donation to Democracy Now, and to Ragan and Rachel in the your and Juan’s name.

Love, Light,

Grieve, Mourn, and feel. But most importantly, celebrate the bautiful life that Juan had.

i love you,
nate from iowa

Your love for Juan was so great that you got the whole world to love him as well. We morn with you Madge, thank you for introducing us to Gussie. He was taken too soon. I am so sorry for your loss, I know that words are meaningless at times like these.

I’m sorry that your friend Juan died. I wish you strength and hopefully some comfort in remembering the good times you shared.

These are amazing times that so many of us are able to share in some of his memories and reach out to you, and I hope it makes a difference.

Only found out today after having been offline and out of touch for a while. Deepest condolences from Burgess and Jacques.

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