
YR320 Americunt Sucks with Norm Augustinus, Karmabanque, Phone calls from men like Rapechel, Clabberbanks, and Madpod

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Norm makes phone calls about a vagina toy.
Lots of other stuff.
Too tired to type as usual but don’t complain I did the fucking show didn’t I?

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

19 replies on “YR320 Americunt Sucks with Norm Augustinus, Karmabanque, Phone calls from men like Rapechel, Clabberbanks, and Madpod”

Ohmygod! I’m just listening to the opening of the show and I NEED to hear the unremixed voicemail mp3 of that cheesy phone sex message. I’m dying of laughter. “I’m sorry! I’m fingering my pussy on the speakerphone!” Where are the clips from?

Maybe you’re right. i forget what i used but it doesn’t matter ’cause all the “speakerphone” samples are the same anyway.

Dave- That mix is fucking awesome. I have listened to it about 50 times in the last 24 hours! Madge is brilliant for playing it right before talking about important issues – I thought it was her way of saying we have people more concerned with porn than what is happening around them.

Norm’s posts are getting REALLY GOOD! The last two had me giggling like mad. I’ve been telling my friends about the self-igniting starbucks cup all week. You cracking up during Norm’piece had me cracking up. R U Still not listening to your comments so your responses are authentic? If so, you’re a genius! I really appreciate your show because I feel like you’re being REAL. And why the fuck is it so hard for other personaliturds to let their delusional bullshit just drop?

I’m 23 and wonder all the time why I haven’t been born into a generation that is pro-active abut ANYTHINNNNNGGGG!!! FUCK.

I’m an anarchist and feel REALLY strongly about not supporting the capitalism/democracy/seven/headed/dragon by voting. After all this only encourages other people to run for office. That said I’m so fucking angry that my beliefs about working against the system FROM OUTSIDE OF THE SYSTEM are being seriously shaken. And I called both New Mexico Senaturds today and bitched and railed on their cunt secratary’s cunts about Alito. R-NM Domenici’s whore bitch aide gave me some canned-line about Alito’s “proven tack record” and fucking hung up!!!!!!!!! FUCK.

I know you won’t agree with me about the voting thing… but you ARE getting to me. And I’m getting mad. And I want fucking out. When this shit goes down you get your family and scoot to switzerland or norway right? Who wants a group halliburtin shower? Who wants to end up in a mass grave for gays? Who wants to get fucked in the ass like this? Fucked in the ass with a gun to your head. Penetration with fear is no penetration at all! Talk about shitty kitty. Talk about a labyrinth of solitude!!!!!!!!!! Honestly.

beasts r. wilde

WASHINGTON — Samuel Alito was confirmed to the Supreme Court today after a contentious and partisan battle in the Senate, becoming the nation’s 110th justice to serve on the high court.

In other words, until this man dies. This country is going to descent into hell a WHOLE lot faster. Or, to quote a preacher I once knew. “Bust hell wide-open.”

Many of my friends think that there is something happening in the world today. Something major in fact. Its really scary too. All I know is, I seriously want out of here. The problem is, where do you go?

Last night, “Proud to be an American” song or whatever the name of it is, by that country singer came on one of my family members’ radios. That is the most vile song I have EVER heard and it made me sick to my stomach.

That song is called “God bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood. G.W. is gonna sing that live tomorrow during his state of the union thingy

Yup. Right before he rolls out his plans to ban gay marriages, which Alito will make sure gets confirmed…among many other vile and hateful things.

“I’m 23 and wonder all the time why I haven’t been born into a generation that is pro-active abut ANYTHINNNNNGGGG!!! FUCK.”

This sentence (found above) sums up what is wrong with the world. Being “born into” something is not a pro-active verb. It is passive. Just like most of the world. Unfortunately we have to get up and do something about it, not just complain that “nobody does anything.”

Just my 2c.

Thank you for pointing this out, but lets agree that any such argument (including mine, and yours) is infinitley regressive. So, lets make this thread and others more about networking in our local communities.

I’m active in a number of small personal ways. I dumpster dive, do not own a car, and mountain bike everywhere. I also work as a gluten free chef and give cooking clases every week to celiacs, parents of autistic children and HIV+ people. And I talk about political issues whenever I get a chance to the people I meet (this last one is really important IMHO)

One problem I have yet to solve is how to get other queer people to have a meaningful dicussion with me about what it should mean to be a part of a civil rights movement in 2006. In Santa Fe, NM, where I live, I cannot access the infrastructure of community and forensic rhetoric available to other civil right movements in the past.
I have ideas that I’d like to share with other queer people. That is an indication of my own learning process. As often as I am unsure about my own prejudices and sanity, I have to bounce ideas off of similar individuals, you know?

Any thoughts?


I understand your need for Madge just like everyone here always wants more of her. I would not blame her for not doing a show for a month or longer. Family comes first. If my lover was sick and very ill, I would not be jumping to my mic Mary. Recently my shows have been few and far between because of this same issue. Have a heart.

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