
YR319 TIME SENSITIVE SHOW: Please Listen Right Away! Action Item

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There is still time to filibuster Alito.
Some momentum is building within the Democrats.
Your help is reqired.

Save the Court
U.S. Senate Telephone Directory

Dr. Fran

Why Alito Must be Filibustered
Democrats Have the Power To Stop Alito
One Person at a Time

FIRST, click on the poll and auto-fax links here, here, and here to get your message out quickly and easily.

SECOND, call the Democratic National Committee at 202-863-8000 and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee at 202-224-2447. You can also fax the DSCC at 202-969-0354 and email it at [email protected]. Tell them you�re a Democratic activist who is disheartened by the lack of courage in Washington, that you feel like giving up, and that your donations, and the hours of footwork you invest to elect Democrats every other November, are hinging on whether the Alito filibuster succeeds. Tell them you�ll support Nader before you�ll support a Vichy Democrat, and you want to see your damn party show some backbone for a change.

THIRD, call each Senator�s voicemails � first DC, then their main local number, then each branch office number � and leave a voicemail on each one. IF YOU GET A MESSAGE SAYING ANY MAILBOX IS FULL, PLEASE POST A COMMENT HERE WITH DETAILS AND I�LL CROSS THAT NUMBER OFF THE LIST.

FOURTH, when the voicemails are full, start sending emails. Again, if you get a message saying the Senator�s mailbox is full, please post a comment here and I�ll cross that email off the list.

FIFTH, send a fax, especially if you live in that Senator�s state. If you don�t have a fax machine, there are fax websites here and here. You also might have faxing software in your Windows or Mac OS. Again, if you get a message saying the fax is out of paper, post a comment and I�ll cross that email off the list too.

SIXTH, check back here between 8 am and 9 am Monday morning for that day�s game plan. I�ll have updated info on each Senator�s status.

Our goal? By Monday morning, to fill every voicemail, email, and fax machine, in every key Senator�s Washington AND District offices, to overflowing. Then rinse and repeat.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

11 replies on “YR319 TIME SENSITIVE SHOW: Please Listen Right Away! Action Item”


I want to point something out to you that you may have overlooked…

Bush has always said it is not about Abortions. I agree with you that it is about Abortions and I have contacted my Congress members to urge them to filibuster Alito. But what you have overlooked is that a US Supreme Court with Roberts and Alito will give Bush the Courts vote to over turn the Term Limits on the Office of President! If they do over turn the Term Limit restriction then we get stuct with Bush for the rest of our lives!!! So Bush would be right when he smiles and says, “It’s not about Abortions…” We need to get this issue out in the public so we can cut this bastard off at the knees!

Any case they wish to bring. That is the danger. Just like they jail and torture anyone they want. Bush had the full supplort of the Supreme court in 2000 and will have even more support after the Supreme Court has Alito with Roberts on the Bench. I’m not the first t obring up term limits. I’m sure that the issue will come before the Court during the remain term for Bush. With Alito and Roberts on the Court the any case of term limits can be rushed through and put ahead of other cases. We are totally screwed!

Madge, I’ve emailed (and faxed) my 2 Senators and called their local and Washington offices and left messages (when possible). I asked my Senators to abstain from voting (because I know that’s a lot to ask for from them) and informed them that I would not be voting for them if they supported the Alito nomination. I have also emailed the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Just thought I’d report in. 🙂


Brilliant show. I’m sorry I can’t really help with this situation since I live in Australia but I’ve been passing the link onto some American friends of mine.

“Kim”‘s angry, tearful voicemail was hilariously embarrasing and totally cringeworthy. What a fucking looser. is my favourite radio station. I heard you on Max and Stacy’s show! If you are going to be regular on Truth About Markets you will be, in my view, amongst the most innovative in independent broadcasting, this is going to be great way of promoting your podcast and those of your contributors as well as promoting Resonancefm amongst your listeners.

Hey Madge — I’m just now grabbing show 319 (grr, iTunes. Update more often!), and I was sorry to hear about Gussie’s diagnosis. Good luck, good wishes for both of you. The guy I live with is also currently dealing with a cancer diagnosis and chemo (not that that makes anything any easier for you, but for whatever it’s worth).

Calling my senators as soon as this posts.

…which, of course is too freakin’ late. Ugh. I did get a nice form letter from Barbara Boxer’s office following MoveOn’s push for emails calling for fillibuster last week. Sigh.

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