
YR317 Bush Preps for Death Camps and Bicyclemark with GI Jane

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George W. Douche
is getting ready to open death camps in Guantanamo and Dave Calderbanks says Dutch people don’t care.

Also, I recast a segment of bicyclemark‘s amazing podcast that you need to hear.

defective body armour

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

8 replies on “YR317 Bush Preps for Death Camps and Bicyclemark with GI Jane”

Regarding the signing bonuses and supporting the Bush administration bcause it increases salaries for soldiers, check these pieces out. First, the Pentagon according to this is warning soldiers in Afghanistan (where I believe Jane said she is being sent) that their families will not collect on life insurance policies if they are wearing their own body armor.

Secondly, think of the Yeltsin like consequences to the US economy when these ‘signing bonuses’ – which are NOT paid out until these soldiers complete their three or more years tours – ie when Bush is no longer there (unless of course he gets rid of that term limit amendment too). Here is the story on the economic consequences of this increasingly exorbitant signing bonuses:

quote: New recruits also will be attracted by today’s record enlistment bonuses and other perks, but at a cost, he said.

“In a sense, they’re mortgaging the future,” he said. “We now have the largest deficit we’ve had in our history. A lot of money like bonuses doesn’t get paid out right away, and soldiers get it when they finish their term of enlistment. So, down the road, it’s all going to come out of the federal treasury.”

“We’ve gone back to the era when the choice was between guns and butter, and we’re trying to have both,” he said.

Thanks for playing the interview madge and to everyone for listening… its unbelievable what a parallel and sick world the military can be. Oh if the things we discussed off the air.. the rules and regs are insane and archaeic. The situation in afghanistan is bullshit and will never be resolved in this lifetime… bring them all home and send non-military aid workers and experts to help rebuild the nation.

You don’t mention me at all in this podcast so why is my name in the feed? Now you make it sound like i said Dutch people don’t care about what happens in Guantanamo, that’s totally out of context.

I would expect more of Karmabanque. Stating that Microsoft is a monopoly is asinine. The definition of “monopoly” is a persistent market situation where there is only one provider of a kind of product or service. How can Microsoft be a monopoly if Apple and Linux companies are competing with them? The only way a monopoly can occur is if the government is protecting a company and not allowing competition. The last time I checked Mac OS X was still legal. I hate Microsoft because they make crappy products but maybe Karmabanque should look up a word before they make these gratuitous comments.

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