
YR316 Rebuttal – Death Tax My Whore Hole!

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The gentle audience
will surely appreciate this venemous anti-Bush rant in response to his recent ridiculous radio address.

Listenturd calls
More LIncoln Road Soundseeing.
more shit
I forget
Your mum

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

22 replies on “YR316 Rebuttal – Death Tax My Whore Hole!”

Wow! Awesome rant.

But bitch, do NOT compare Buffy The Vampire Slayer with Paris Hilton and other monocultural bullshit . As unlikely as it sounds with the cheesy, ironic title, Buffy is far more intelligent, witty and clever than Desperate Housewives and has more of cult following anyway. Just go and download the grief episode “The Body” or the hilarious musical episode. It’s fucking art. Just saying.

When ever President Douche says something like “Oceans no longer protect us”, someone should tell him that they never did.

Think Perl Harbor, and the revolutionary war.

Let the Vatican mafia charge for their mumbo jumbo, anybody stupid enough to pay for this dross deserves to get ripped-off.
History will view religion as the biggest handicap the human race ever had to suffer; it was never about belief and all about money.

“Jesus says forgive yourself/God loves fucking! Enjoy” (Gilbert and George)

Bill Gates is giving away other peoples’ money I suppose we should be grateful that some good has come out of his theft.

Some more on that corporate tax fraud: Here is what the second richest man in the world, Warren Buffett, said when he was one of the only rich people to actually pay his taxes rather than take the loopholes Bush had offered ‘folks’ like him:

And, in terms of home ownership increasing . . . um 43% of mortgages, Bush’s fabled homeownership, last year were ZERO down. Here is an article from last week’s USA Today about that:

And, finally, Bush says wages are up 7% since 2001 . . . this number means nothing, however, if you don’t know the inflation numbers that when subtracted from your nominal wage increases gives you real wage increase – and, this, I am afraid to say mr. bozo in chief, means that there was a real wage DECREASE in America. And this number is hard to ascertain because this government has introduced more and more hedonic and other sorts of adjustments to the inflation numbers so that inflation is always miraculously around 2% despite the double digit growth of health care, energy, housing and food costs.

If anyone wants to search on google or yahoo anonymously just use scroogle dot org
And if you want an alternative and anonymous search engine all together a good one is clusty dot com

Wow, Madge… that was delicious invective.

Sounds like dubya REALLY wants to sex you up. I guess the yeast reminds him of his “drinkin'” days, and we all know his wife’s snatch is regularly windexed by the white house help. I hope you kiss and tell, Madge!

My problem with G.W. is that he can say whatever the hell he wants, i don’t listen. I try, but my brain blocks out his voice. I thought Madge was doin a monologue.

Something else Madge: Did you loose a lot of your international audience? Cause all you seem to talk about (most of the time) is what’s goin’ on in the US. And oh, shocker, thanks to G.W. most people in Holland don’t care about what’s goin’ on in the US anymore. Don’t get me wrong, they care about the people but they don’t care about the religious right, the state of the media, the FCC indecency actions and all that crap. If i try to expain it all i get is “really?”

Dave- people in America don’t care either. Dutch people need to care because Europe is going this way too. Just look at your healthcare system. The proaganda war is being fought in Europe and you guys don’t even see it. You need to care.

There are huge protests against the way our healthcare system is goin so i don’t think it’s gonna be that bad. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens during the elections next year. If Harry Potter gets re-elected we’re fucked and i’m moving to France.

It not only moistened my dry leather meat curtains, but made them flap in the breeze from the enormous queef that it forced out of me when I finnah stood up and said “HONNNEEEY!!!”

First off I want to make it clear that I think Bush is a complete idiot and evil man, but how dare you Madge say that people that give over one million dollars to someone via their inheritance is not a hard worker. True, some just sit on their fat asses all day but that does not give you the right to steal money from them. You asked how else is money supposed to be redistributed without the inheritance tax, but bitch money isn’t supposed to be redistributed without your consent. You are advocating stealing and violence which is very ironic since you are against war but you are ok with governmental violence if it is used to steal money from people. One last thing, next time you use the founding fathers to support your socialist ideals, do some research. The founding fathers would never advocate large taxes such as the inheritance tax; they were strictly for small taxes that were equal for everyone. Maybe you should read some on Thomas Jefferson’s writings and you will find that you do not agree with anything the founding fathers believed.

Before you go off calling me a neo-cunt, let me say I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican I consider myself a Libertarian, and though I agree with almost everything you say. I don’t believe people should be forced to pay for someone else, I think things should be voluntary and that government should be small. That is true non-violence.

A correction redarding your Ford rant. The current Ford CEO has not accepted a salary since he has been CEO. Though with his last name being Ford, I really don’t think he needs the money. Bill Ford is socially progressive and has even made a call for the US to look into a national healthcare plan. I’m sure this is mainly profit-driven, but how many company CEO’s have made this proclamation? All of this still does not explain why Ford would temporarily cave to the right-wing nut jobs regarding advertizing in gay publications.

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