This is a good show. I walked on Lincoln Road and got into fights with two cunts.
Jesse Jackson
Roger Smalls
Willing Warrior
Listenturd Calls
More More More that I can’t recall at the moment.
9 replies on “YR314 The Yeast Also Rises”
Fuckcake!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I will now use that in conjunction with my good old, reliable “Cunt Muffin”.
have you seen what’s been happening in blubbercunt, and the rest of canada,lately?
h xo
So what is wrong with gussy anyway? I hope we don’t get another terry schiavo situation on our hands..
I don’t know what else I can say that hasn’t been said before or will make the situation any better, but I really hope Gussy gets better and it must be awful to go through this alone. I’m going to donate something when I’m able to.
Two comments:
1) That stupid bitch on the street was the most horrible Jew stereotype I’ve ever heard in terms of manner and speech. A Jew supporting Bush? What the FUCK? Does she even realise that he is pretty much a Mel Gibson-esque Christian who most probably hates them for “killing the son of god”? She’s delusional if she thinks he’ll give her equal rights in the long run.
2) That self-righteous Christian conservative arsehole with the irritating microphone problems. How did that phone call finish? I’m still confused as to why anyone who considers themselves conservative would listen to your show as it is (thankfully) the opposite of everything they stand for. How typical of him to completely marginalize your audience as “of the homosexual persuasion”. What a joke.
Ugh. That was a more long-winded comment than I anticipated.
Hmm… Maybe that Christian ‘hole was merely an ill-conceived/ill-executed character cuntributor…
us loves da gussie and da madge
Hmm.. maybe that christian was just an ill-conceived/ill-executed character cuntribution…
Oops, didn’t mean to post twice. I’d forget my own head if it wasn’t so big and ponderous. Sorry sorry sorry.