
YR312 Whore Meets Gore

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OK. So. This may be the most important Yeast Radio you will ever hear.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

17 replies on “YR312 Whore Meets Gore”

Karma comedian

Kermit is saying life is better in France? Why doesn’t the hysterical green glove puppet ask an Algerian what he thinks or any French citizen who reads the papers by journalists that haven’t been murdered yet.

As Daves Calderbank points out, gold is going higher because of inflation, but an important point to make is that gold will only keep pace with inflation. So an investment in gold will maintain the buying power of that investment. Perhaps Daves Calderbank can explain how the Federal reserve was formed and by whom, and who benefits from it’s existence.

This Debt is a tool for pacifying the masses. If you create a mechanism where you can create debt out of thin air and keep people in their SUVs and fancy clothes, and nice houses, regardless of the ability to pay back the debt. You can pacify the population. If money was backed by anything it would have to be earned before it is spent or borrowed. People would not have the ability to fulfill their urges that Madison Avenue requires that they have, now they become unhappy with their lot in life and revolt against the tyranical government.

I’d love to explain how the Federal reserve was formed but you got me confused with Karmabanque. Two years community college, what the fuck do i know about gold. It’s bling man!

Well i could explain that, it pretty easy. Ever seen an old gold dollar? Pretty small even back then, but if they would issue one now it would be the size of a dime, maybe less.

I listen to the podcast when I am doing other things, I can’t be expected to know the difference between a Calderbank and a Karmabanque

In regards to life being better in France: it depends on which country you are comparing it to and on what measures. Relative to fellow Western economies, France, where I have lived for two years, is definitely a better place to live than in the US (where I lived for twenty years) or UK (where I lived for twelve). If a ‘better life’ for you is earning loads of money, it’s harder to do that here than in NYC or London, but as that’s not how I measure a “better life” – I measure this in terms of quality of life, public transport and other public infrastructure. The US and UK are less pleasant in this regard because they have even higher rates of inequality than France a major cause of the French riots I assume StraightChris is referring to when he mentions ‘Algerians,’ some of whom, indeed, participated with the thousands of other unemployed youths, including other North Africans, Africans and whites, in torching a couple hundred cars. Again, if you compare it to America, however, France hasn’t had said disgruntled, unemployed youth blowing away their classmates and parents with machine guns – yet. I’m sure they will, however, once the health and education systems are privatised and bankers take over the economy and turn them into mindless consumers who are ‘winners’ or ‘losers’ by the time they are twelve.

As I haven’t lived in any other country, I couldn’t argue for the case of elsewhere being better than France, but based on raw numbers of inequality, life expectancy, infant mortality and education measures that you can find in the Economist, I assume that by these numbers Switzerland, Canada, Luxembourg and all of Scandinavia are better places to live and that an Algerian might rather live in any of those places than France, where, indeed, there are, despite being better than UK and US, shocking levels of racism and inequality outside of the major cities.

In terms of journalists being murdered, the past two years seeing record highs, many of the deaths have been attributed to the US military and, indeed, al Jazeera is demanding to see the memo of the conversation between Bush and Blair in which Bush wanted to bomb al Jazeera (and I don’t know if this was before or after they bombed al Jazeera’s Kabul headquarters and killed al Jazeera journalists in Baghdad) and just a few months ago “Reuter’s Global Managing Editor, David Schlesinger wrote a scathing letter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld expressing his mounting concerns about the actions of U.S. troops regarding journalists after Reuter’s soundman Waleed Khled’s death on August 28. Khled was shot by American soldiers while working in Baghdad.

According to a September 28 Reuters report, Schlesinger said in the letter that there was “ a long parade of disturbing incidents whereby professional journalists have been killed, wrongfully detained, and/or illegally abused by U.S. forces in Iraq.”

And, finally, re gold keeping pace with inflation . . . well then that means inflation has been about 56% over the past three years. Gold does maintain purchasing power. There is a saying that goes something like you don’t buy gold to make money, you buy gold to keep value or not lose money. Something like that. I think you’re right about pacifying the masses with debt and also, of course, it is a tool to extend and maintain empire.

What about the French attack on the Greenpeace ship, the mess they left in Vietnam and Algeria, the selling of weapon grade nuclear technology to Iraq.
The French government are just as bad as the US and British don’t let the cheap wine go to your head; I’ve been in France too just because shootings don’t make the news it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen.

Its not that historically France is “better” but when you put the country side by side, especially presently, with the US, quality of life and human rights are just higher in France. Plus their intellegence was 100% correct about iraq while the US’s was… well.. fucked.
ps- the technology was for nuclear energy and lots of countries use it without making weapons.

There is the argument that Chirac’s use of the veto caused the war because it negated any threat. Chirac would have better intelligence on Iraq he sold them the nuclear technology.
The nuclear technology they were seeking was what’s known as the Japan option that’s why Sadam invaded Kuwait to get the money to become the nuclear power in the region and use it against Iran.
That’s just my take on things I could be wrong.

Well, first you were making a statement about life not being better in France, now you are saying actually it was the government not being better. This is a completely different matter. If you can show me one government on earth that is better than others, I will seek asylum there. I can’t believe that there is anyone in power anywhere who wouldn’t do the same as the list of items you give, especially when you compare it with the US and UK. It’s hard to even take it seriously as the crimes of these respective governments is one only of a matter of degrees. In terms of life being better or worse, I can only go by what the numbers say and, more importantly, what I experience myself. The Uk is by far the most violent of the three despite there being few guns or gun crimes. And this comes from someone held up at gunpoint in LA.

That’s a fatuous remark, how can anyone be content about life with such a corrupt government as the French.
Why not live in Bhutan where the currency is happiness and Karma, hold on I think they can only offer a dial-up connection there.

-except there’s no link. I’d love to watch a video of him delivering it. Thanks, Madge, for forcefeeding it to us… half-way through I was panicking because I was afraid you wouldn’t finish it, and you did. Thanks… We needed it. (!!!)

WLB :>)

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