
YR310 President George W. Douche

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Rebuttal, Listenturd comments, Karmabanque, Lesbian

Show Notes:

  • YR310
    • Lovely New EMO theme from Viper Bite Radio
    • On a diet
    • Karmabanque
    • PizzaBlubberCunt is a whore
    • documentary about euro oil cunspiracy
    • Listenturd comments
    • Reclaim your cock?
  • Bicyclemark
  • Chilean election news
  • Miss cheriblossum gets fucked by Hesbolah in Beruit
    • naughty
  • Diane Feinstein (whore)
  • Weelky rebuttal to Predient DOuche’s address
    • Judge Aliturd
    • actions vs. words
    • look at the record
  • aside: gussie’s mother is driving my fucking crazy as i type this
    • pussy attitudes
    • hopless wimpy attitudes
    • from democrats
    • politicians and general populace
  • checks and balances?
    • what happened to them, stupid bitch?
  • what are YOU DOING to chang it?
  • Debbie Wasserman speech
    • “Good Afternoon, Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Leahy and Senators. I am honored to speak to you as you consider the nomination of an individual to a lifetime position on the Supreme Court.
    • “I come before you today in several capacities. First, I am here as a Member of Congress, proudly representing South Florida. Second, I am here as a member of a generation that benefited from long fought Supreme Court battles, resulting in equal rights for all Americans, a fundamental principle of our democracy. Third, I am here in my most rewarding role; as the mother of three young children who will come of age in an America guided by many of the decisions this court will make.
    • “I cannot imagine my children’s future in an America without privacy rights, and the civil rights and liberties that all Americans enjoy. These are the reasons that I am here today to express concerns about the rights and freedoms that, based on his record, I believe would be threatened by Judge Alito’s elevation to the Supreme Court. Therefore, I urge you to reject Judge Alito’s nomination.
    • “By now, we’re all familiar with Judge Alito’s writings and views on reproductive rights, each one indicating a different nuance of his opinion on a woman’s right to choose. But here’s the bottom line: You’re considering a nominee who wrote a memo urging the courts to restrict a woman’s right to make her own reproductive choices.
    • “Judge Alito ruled in support of spousal notification. In essence, he is comfortable putting a woman’s Constitutional right to make decisions about her body in the hands of her spouse as soon as she signs her name to a marriage certificate. This blatant disregard for individual rights is why our Founding Fathers designed a system of meaningful checks and balances. Once any branch of government surrenders itself to the others, that authority is difficult to regain.
    • “I come from a state where executive power and government intrusion on privacy rights has been repeatedly abused. Florida’s Governor pushed the State Legislature to grant him authority to overturn a judicial decision in the Terri Schiavo case, and Congress inserted itself into that family’s private tragedy.
    • “Ultimately, the case could have reached the Supreme Court. Let’s think about this for a minute. Can America risk ‘Supreme Court Justice’ Alito casting the deciding vote to drag us through another tragic saga similar to the Terri Schiavo case? I don’t think America can endure another Terri Schiavo case.
    • “In another disturbing privacy matter, Judge Alito’s lack of judgment was appalling. In this case, a police officer strip-searched a 10-year-old girl and her mother. They were not named in the search warrant; they were simply on the premises. According to the Boston Globe, the 10-year-old girl’s lawyer later reported Judge Alito as saying: ‘Why do you keep bringing up the fact that this case involves the strip search of a 10-year-old child?’ Why? Because this was not a simple case of whether or not the officers exceeded their investigative authority; it escalated to an unconscionable level.
    • “Judge Alito was the only member of a three-judge panel who found the strip search of the 10-year-old acceptable under his interpretation of the law. I am horrified that someone could strip search my children because of selective interpretation of a warrant.
    • “As you consider this nomination, I ask you to reflect: would you be comfortable if your own child was the subject of a strip search? Based on his record, would you be comfortable if your little girl was the plaintiff with Justice Alito as the deciding vote?
    • “The standard must be higher when cases involve the most vulnerable members of our society, our children. When enforcement authorities lapse in their judgment, our courts must not!
    • “Despite his questionable affiliations with discriminatory organizations, such as the Concerned Alumni of Princeton, there is no question that Judge Alito has impressive education credentials and has led a distinguished career. But credentials alone do not qualify an individual for elevation to the Supreme Court.
    • “Senators, as you contemplate the profound influence Justice O’Connor’s successor will have on the lives, liberties, and legal protections of Americans for decades to come, I ask you to consider that Judge Alito is a nominee who will replace one of only two women justices. This reflects a missed opportunity to retain, or expand, the existing diversity of the Court.
    • “I distinctly remember the feeling I had in 1981, when I was 14-years old and heard that a woman was going to serve on the Supreme Court. It proved what my parents told me my whole life; that in America, little girls really can grow up to be anything they want to be.
    • “Senators, the Supreme Court is the final arbiter in our nation, and today you stand as the guardians to this body’s membership. From Marbury v. Madison to Brown v. Board of Education , the fingerprints of the United States Senate have subtly steered the highest court in this nation. Long after we have completed our public service, the decisions made by the Supreme Court will continue to impact all Americans, and history will judge your decision. Again, thank you for the opportunity to speak with you this afternoon.”

    By Madge

    Lesbian with food allergies.

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