
YR307 Vlogging is Stupid

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Half a decade later.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

31 replies on “YR307 Vlogging is Stupid”

Do you really think i’d say your show was crap just because you didn’t play a stupid song i send? I found it, i didn’t make it so what do i care.

Good point about the S50, Howard Stern said it’s “like an iPod”, you can download audio so you can listen to it later. Sounds familiar?

I have another point about the job market. There are so many of us young people (I am 20) who are trying to get jobs and no one wants us. Maybe its because we didn’t learn anything in school, maybe its because we’re just young, but, I don’t know. I just know that there are SOOOO many people (around here at least), young people, who don’t have jobs…ok, let me rephrase that. GOOD JOBS, jobs that they deserve, that we went to school for & got degrees & certifications for. Who knows, maybe its because we have a conscious…and are lefties.

I fully support Madge/Richard/Insane films/podshow.
I am constantly in education/reeducation mode.
If i’m ever out of line just kick me in the pussy.

I’ll do anything in my power and choice to Express that.

I stand by you.

Not to say that we didn’t handle it the best way, but it has nothing to do with how we feel about the naked human body. You should take a look at my hard drive 🙂

No, not all of Madge’s shows are great. Sometimes they suck and i think that if you are a fan of the show you should be honest, kick the lesbian in her Fred Quimby and post here -not in a personal email- what you really think.

I have one small comment on censorship.

If your feed has a video of a vagina with a cigarette hanging out, I think it is fair to say it is explicit.

No, it doesn’t really harm anyone; As you have said, nobody would go molest other children because of that. I just wouldn’t want to see something like that because it is pointless. My time is valuable (to me) and if a vlog directory can help me choose what I want to view better (such as more political or technological versus something “artsy”), then more power to them.

Maybe Mefeedia shouldn’t have pics in their directory unless you click on a feed. There could then be small text descriptions, categories and (I hesitate to say…) explicit/clean tags on that page. But seriously, I agree with Madge. I truly find crosses offensive. Images of them would be a waste of time to me. Are they going to label those explicit? No.

The subjectivity of offensive/explicit is very problematic and I think that’s part of the problem. I also think it is pretty obvious that if you go somewhere like Mefeedia, you are going to see plenty of stuff you’re not interested in.

If it’s a cunt with a cigarette, a cross (with or without a Jesus on it), a picture of George W. Bush, a hamburger or even a Christmas tree, it can be considered ‘offensive’ or ‘objectionable’. This is a bunch of bullshit and then to have no conversation with a feed’s owner before this action? I find that objectionable.


The stream-of-conciousness rant that you said “didn’t make sense” made PERFECT sense to me; scarily similar to something I was talking to my friends (who didn’t want to listen because they hate my constant questioning and would rather not have to think) about shortly before I listened to your show.

This isn’t just abouut videoblogging but the conservative media in general. When does nudity equate sexual intercourse? Why can’t children see a pair of naked breasts? How would seeing the most mundane image of all – the naked body – corrupt them and make them “deviants”? I mean, what? Are these “family-safe-think-of-the-children” delusional fuckwads so fucking insecure and repressed that simply seeing body parts sends them into a sexual frenzy and then they can’t keep their tiny erection in their pants? I think that’s worse for children; teaching them to repress and hate all who think differently; which will only lead to a violent release later down the track.

what up yeast queen. love your podcast. been a listenturd for 4 months. i liked how you did the last podcast live from your car, unedited. i listen while driving back from whorelando florida and felt like we were riding together. when will you have berbecia on the show again?

I agree with all your points about censorship and Mefeedia.The emergence of censorship in the vlogging community, be it self imposed or not, is totally wrong. This is the thin end of the wedge. One of the reason mainstream media is so shit, is because of the layers of censorship which are used to distort the truth, we can’t follow suit.

Here’s a question: Could Peter get sued for showing explicit images on Mefeedia without any warning?

Let me tell you a couple of things I like.

I like it when mediamakers can declare whether or not their content is explicit. And I like Google’s Safesearch. By default it’s on, but if you’re like me and don’t want to be sheltered from nekkidness, click a button and get the naughty bits.

Complaining is good. Peter and anyone running a directory need to know where content creators stand on this to best serve them (us). But I think it’s idiotic to take either extreme position – your feelings on explicit content are different from your neighbors. However Peter decides to handle this is NOT going to satisfy everyone. So if you don’t like it, complain – or go make your own directory. Christian Disney Children Vlog Directory. Or the Smoking Pussy Vlog Guide.

i would like to make my own choice to watch what i watch, and looking at women putting cigarettes into their vaginas never did me any harm as a child. infact quite the opposite, it put me off smoking when i saw this for the first time, therefore adding years back onto my life. perhaps exposing toddlers to images of this would be a great boost to the anti-smoking movement.

looking on the brighter side of things, when people who make web sites label things as explicit it easier to find the good stuff. this means you dont have to waste your time wading through material of a much softer core. i think more descriptive tags like ‘not safe for work’,’scarey’ and ‘thought provoking’ should be used.

Madge wanted Steve Jobs to label her work but not Mefeedia. “No labels at all” was the quote from the show I believe. Does it matter the size of the directory involved then? It shouldn’t. Can you have it both ways?

I don’t know what you’re referring to specifially but iTunes removed insanefilms completely from the itunes directory well over a month ago. Labeling me explicit was not enough of them. They still removed me after complying. Baby steps.

I was refering to your question some months back that why was was there no queercast type label on iTunes. I prefer no labels at all. No labels at all prevent general mischaracterizations and require people to view/assess things on individual merit (IMHO).

[…] In any case after Madge and a number of other vloggers complained, Peter has re-instated the original thumbnail. Thank goodness. It just goes to show that there isn’t any directory out there YET that the users have control over. Another case in point, WHY THE HELL IS MY XOLO CRIBS EPISODE USED AS THE DATING THUMBNAIL ON DAILYMOTION.COM? Not that I mind the viewers, but I’m not dating folks. Something to think about. […]

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