
YR304 Don’t Fuck With My Livelihood, Mary!

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Many exciting things turday
as you can see in the show notes:

  • YR304 Show Notes
    • Zappa Crossfire mid 80’s
    • words?
  • 1enny Bruce – Dirty Toilet/Clean To1let
  • Karmabanque – Let them Eat Cake and Cunt
    • feed://
    • Paris
    • Fanatic Addicts
    • Corporations as murderers
    • Microsoft- NSA installing spyware? – linke please, Max?
    • Killer B’s
    • Bush, Bin Ladin, Bloated Lesbian
  • Lipodiesel Moment
    • Roger Smalls on LipoDiesel
    • Dearest Madge
    • What
      with Adam having a car powered by turnips and people dying to get hold
      of oil I thought of an idea for powering automobiles. I think its very
      irresponsible of Adam to promote biodeisal because these are powered by
      vegetables, the next thing you know is George Bush will be going to
      bombing farmers and chopping down rainforrests just to get hold of the
      precious root vegetables. Not good baby.
    • I heard you
      mention on todays show that you were thinking of having a car powered
      by fat peoples bloat, strange because i was thinking of something
      simerlar. i happened to be masterbating at the time to ‘Bruce
      Springsteen – Born To Run 30th Anniversary Podcast’, but that is
      neither here nor there. anyhow, back to my idea….
    • A car powered by yeast
    • Yes,
      yeast. You are killing two birds with one stone – i understand from the
      discussions on your podcast that you have an abundance of fadge cream
      and need something to power your Ford Torus. I do not know much of the
      technical engineering side of things, but some form of rubber pipe
      inserted up your minge to collect the rancid paste would then power an
    • I cant think of many problems with this
      solution to the greenhouse effect, except that only bulldykes and nuns
      with fishy cracks would be able to power such transportation. And I
      certainly don’t fancy catching a lift with one of them in the morning,
      especially with a length of garden hose tucked away in their axe wound.
      Imagine that? Does it arouse you? We be talking raw egg here. WELL DOES
      IT??? Does it now?Plus the nations roads would become very slippery and
      smell of skunk guts. Heaven for a lesbian such as yourself, but a
      health and safety hazzard for the elderly. You would also be able to
      tell which drivers have the worst yeast infections by how fast they
      drive, slower cars would indicate a cleaner genital region for the
    • byebye!
    • oh, happy new year etc etc etc
  • scar jones
    • where I come from
  • Cheryl is a whore
    • Pizzablubberunt song for Cheryl – hilarious!
    • smelly armpit whore cheryl merkowski
  • how would you like me to handle your balls? gently?
  • BBC Did a great report on the war on science
    • thanks andy armstrong
    • around 10min – interview with ex-congressman
    • global warming – 22:00 OR SO
  • Advice to the Democrats for the next erection
  • National healthare REQUIREMENT
    • we don’t let our own die in peace
  • Karmabanque AGAIN!
  • scar jones
  • Penis Cheney STRONGLY Defends wiretapping (in addition to torture- oh boy!)
    • Reuters
    • Cheney strongly defends eavesdropping
    • Vice
      President Dick Cheney strongly defended a secret domestic eavesdropping
      operation in use since the September 11, 2001, attacks, saying it was
      not violating American civil liberties and has helped fend off
      potential terrorist attacks.
    • “The enemy that struck on 9/11
      is weakened and fractured yet it is still lethal and planning to hit us
      again. Either we are serious about fighting this war or we are not,”
      Cheney said in remarks prepared for a speech at the Heritage Foundation
      think tank.
    • Revelations that the National Security Agency
      was secretly monitoring phone calls between people in the United States
      and suspected al Qaeda followers abroad has sparked an outcry from
      Democrats and Republicans, with many lawmakers and rights groups
      questioning whether it violates the U.S. Constitution.
    • Cheney,
      in speech excerpts released by the White House, called President George
      W. Bush’s decision to intercept “a certain category of terrorist-linked
      international communications” a vital step.
    • “There are no
      communications more important to the safety of the United States than
      those related to al Qaeda that have one end in the United States. If
      we’d been able to do this before 9/11, we might have been able to pick
      up on two of the hijackers who flew a jet into the Pentagon,” Cheney
    • Cheney insisted that Bush was committed to protecting civil liberties.
    • “He
      has made clear from the outset, both publicly and privately, that our
      duty to uphold the law of the land admits no exceptions in wartime,”
      Cheney said.
    • Cheney said as more time passes since the
      September 11 attacks, “some in Washington are yielding to the
      temptation to downplay the ongoing threat to our country, and to back
      away from the business at hand.”
    • “This is perhaps a natural impulse, as time passes and the alarms don’t sound,” he said.
    • But
      he said “America has been protected not by luck but by sensible policy
      decisions by decisive action at home and abroad and by round-the-clock
      efforts on the part of people in law enforcement, intelligence, the
      military, and homeland security.”
  • How to get the democrats to vote
    • forget about the Bill Cliton middle of the Road
    • it’s all about extremes now
  • Despotism
    • Clabberbank mashup
    • must hear this!!!!!!!
  • On the Road with Madge from MIA back to CHI cuntinues…
    • looking for qPodders!
  • Preggers
  • 2nd marriage
  • Drury Inn Terror Haute
    • from the room- girdle pullover
    • Nasty email via Adam Curry from mean tattle tale!
  • Arlyn Specturd meets Clabberbank”s anniversary cunt march
  • Zeeche – On the Road with Madge -original version
  • By Madge

    Lesbian with food allergies.

    12 replies on “YR304 Don’t Fuck With My Livelihood, Mary!”

    Totally agree. How much of a bitchy little cunt to do that behind her back, trying to get her fired all while appearing “concerned” about her health.

    Great show by the way. I loved that clip at the beginning about “words”. It’s so true. Who was that?

    Was that from Porn Wars? Is there anywhere I can download or buy the audio of FZ at the PMRC hearings (that’s what this was, right?)?

    Thanks for playing it, Madge!

    fyi, “minge” is british slang for cunt. an english friend gave me a button that says, “i’m a minger.”
    as for the entitlements items, there was a lot of talk on the blogs. the following is from the washington post, 12/8/05, i think:
    “Last month’s budget-cutting bill would save $50 billion over five years by imposing new fees on Medicaid recipients, trimming the food stamp rolls, squeezing student lenders and cutting federal child support enforcement.”

    Ricky Dee is right about minge (pron. “minj”), but a minger (pron. “ming-er”) is a girl that is not considered particularly attractive.

    “I hear your brother’s got a new girlfriend”
    “Yeah, but she’s a bit of a minger”.

    Wear that badge with pride! 😉

    Sounded like the kind of shit that Potato would pull, isn’t he known for sending shitty emails behind peoples back questioning their mental health? Until you said something about it being a British person I was sure it was the blue haired bandit. Don’t let him bother you Madge we love you and your show. Yeast Radio is what it needs to be for you and for the listeners: an alarm call and fresh breeze of reality and cunt stink.

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