
The Vote of a Lifetime

The Blog | John Kerry: The Vote Of A Lifetime | The Huffington Post
So let’s get this straight. The time to fight is now – before we make the irreversible decision of confirming a new Supreme Court Justice. When you’re talking about the Supreme Court, you don’t live to fight another day. It’s a zero sum game. Once Judge Alito becomes Justice Alito, there’s no turning back the Senate confirmation vote. We don’t get to ‘take a mulligan’ when choosing a Supreme Court Justice. The direction our country takes for the next thirty years is being set now. Will it matter if we speak up after the Supreme Court has granted the executive the right to use torture, or to eavesdrop without warrants? Will it matter if we speak up only after a woman’s right to privacy has been taken away? Will history record what we say after the courthouse door is slammed in the faces of women, minorities, the elderly, the disabled, and the poor? No. History will record what we say and what we do now.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

4 replies on “The Vote of a Lifetime”

It’s critical that you get off your ass and voice your opinion. This isn’t an issue about where your politics fall… it’s an issue about how you value this country. I am convinced that this confirmation will hurt American business, the economy and the very nature about our democracy. So please look beyond the stupid democrat/republican bias. THINK ABOUT MAINTAINING A FAIR SYSTEM OF CHECKS AND BALANCES.

Pick up the phone, right now!

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