

Dear Friends and Activists,

We know tens of thousands of you have already sent personal messages or made phone calls to Congress to demand a filibuster of Alito. But please still forward the alerts to other people you know who may not have done so, as many of our participants do. We are doing our best to make the alerts as fun and entertaining as we can, like with the contest to find the best Alito Filibuster Affirmation.

We have been told the most effective way to follow up now is to call or fax your senators’ LOCAL district offices, so if you haven’t done that yet you can get all the numbers from the instant lookup at

Here is today’s alert:

(located at 1 First Street N.E., Washington, DC)


CALL YOUR SENATORS ON THE TOLL FREE NUMBERS, 888-355-3588, 888-818-6641, 800-426-8073

There is a classic cliffhanger you’ve probably seen in more than one horror movie and it generally goes like this. One character in the movie is in some kind of a trance under an evil spell, and their inaction or unwitting complicity is required for the evil plan to be fulfilled. And you see the hero of the movie shaking them, and yelling at them, “Snap out of it!” because only by working together can the good and the just prevail. Because it is a movie at the last minute the hero always succeeds in getting the other character to come to their senses and everyone cheers. And that’s exactly what is going on right now with the nightmare nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court.

Is “nightmare” too strong a word? Actually, that’s the word that Bill Frist used just the other day in referring to their own nominee. For decades they have dreamt of overturning every progressive precedent since the New Deal . . . for privacy rights, for labor rights, for the rights of people to be protected from socially irresponsible corporations, and more. And now they even want to absolve the president himself from having to obey the laws of the people as passed by Congress, with Sam Alito the prime mover and judicial mastermind behind the so-called “unitary executive” theory. That is nothing more than dictatorship with a make-over. A dream to them perhaps, but truly said a very scary nightmare for the rest of us.

However, YOU can put a stop to the destruction of the very foundations of our democracy but speaking out to your senators and demanding they stand up for us at

There you will find a one click for that will send your personal message to all your members of Congress at once, and you can make it a letter to the editor of your nearest daily newspaper all at the same time. You can also instantly look up all their phone and fax numbers right down to their district offices.

Be ye not deceived by the corporate media talking heads who have taken over our airwaves. They speak of “done deals” to try to discourage some from taking action, like zombies in a horror movie. The last thing they want is for more and more of us to suddenly WAKE UP now and realize that we not only DO have the power to put a stop to a reactionary takeover our highest court, we have a DUTY as citizens to do so by telling our senators that they must take a stand and that we will support them for doing so.

Alito’s problem is that he is NOT a judge. He is an advocate. He has a lifelong commitment to being an advocate, and here is the important part . . . his supporters are pushing him precisely because THEY believe he will be their advocate. They drop kicked their own Miers because she did not have enough proven fealty to the agenda of the extremist Federalist society or the doctrine of a particular religious group. He is just like Roberts, a stealth nominee who promised to respect the will of the people, but then immediately lurched to the far right to cast his first vote on the Supreme Court to try to strike down the TWICE expressed will of the people by voter initiative in Oregon.

In 1985 Alito stated categorically his belief that a woman’s right to privacy is not constitutional. At his hearing he refused to say if he still holds this view, the equivalent of taking the Fifth Amendment. But Robert Bork said the other day that HE believes without a doubt that Alito is still that same guy. His supporters are only interested in installing a lock down vote who will rule as THEY want every time, without regard to the facts, the law or prior precedent. They want our country to be ruled by the kingly decree of their presidential signing statements, one of Alito’s own personal brainstorms. And just like Frist, they will admit it even if Alito himself will not. In fact, they are bragging about it.


What Alito’s advocates fear the most is that the American people will suddenly come to their senses, that more and more will speak out as they are doing now, and that our representatives will listen and obey the will of the people. That is why they’ve been in such a hurry to try to hustle this thing though, pushing for it happen “quickly” despite the fact that Sandra Day O’Connor is still on the bench for the duration. But thousands, and tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands ARE speaking out in strong opposition.

Please add your voice to the growing chorus and the people will surely prevail. Together we will dispel the dark cloud over our Supreme Court. Because for people like Bill Frist real participatory democracy would be the worst nightmare of all. That would be a nightmare on a different street, a nightmare on FRIST Street.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

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Copyright 2005, Patent pending, All rights reserved

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

7 replies on “MUST STOP ALITO!”

Alright. I called them. One of the bitches that I spoke to said “I will make sure the Senator gets your message but the Senator does plan on supporting the nomination.”



Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky. His phone number is 800-283-8983 for anyone who wants to call. I also called Mitch McConnell… the person on the phone just said she’d get the message to him.


Which Democracy is Better, Christian or Islamic? Will the Bush Administration now confess that there are wrong kinds of democracy?

[I am trying very hard to prevent this article from being labeled and removed as ‘religious diatribe’. I will be VERY disappointed if the editors removed it. I feel as though I have failed miserably to clearly communicate in a way that spawns constructive criticism of my concerns in the collective world of politics. I feel like I am blowing a whistle that people with ears cannot hear, and I am starting to feel aggressively angry. So please help me to keep this a peaceful open world of dialogue, because I am beginning to understand why people say ‘fuck it’ and turn to violence in return for the violence of suppression and oppressive ignorance.]

Christian Democracy is rising in the West, while Islamic Democracy is rising in the East. Is this not a good thing for some?

Do you wonder why democracy has been so ‘vulnerable’ to Islamic political parties in Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine among others, yet Israel has managed to keep Islam from rising to power just as the United States has?

Does Christian Zionism have anything to do with this?

It is my worthy ‘not-to-be-hidden-in-the-hidden-section’ OPINION (opinions are supposed to be allowed at Indy media) that mad prophets of doom seek control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem so they can rebuild a temple in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. They consider the temple prophecy to be the final sign before messiah ‘returns’.

If anything is new here, it is the concept that is missing from the media battlefield. The fact that Zionist leaders fail to mention that the temple prophecy spoke of an archetype pertaining to the human media collective – like the veil of the temple representing administrative backroom secrecy and censorship.

I am afraid some prophecy sheep will deceive other prophecy sheep that will go to look for a destructible man who is standing in a destructible temple saying that he is the messiah, and then the unbelievers will be encompassed by the persecution of masses of ignorant laypeople supporting the whims of their lords.

I feel as though I have failed miserably to clearly communicate in a way that spawns constructive criticism of my concerns in the collective world of politics and how religion can sneak in and make it nearly impossible to exorcize, because it requires its own terminology – which most people will not tolerate in the public square.

I see a beast that is so deeply devious, that people will call me an atheist, when I am actually a deist who considers religious divisive matters beneath my pure morals, and one who speaks for no established political or tax exempt religious body, but one who insists on open to ‘divinely’ free dialogue in front of the masses.

I will excuse idiots [Greek, ‘laypeople’] for what they do not see, but permit no claim to innocence for those who willfully ignore what is true, and give life to such apostasy and bloodshed.

Guilt and suppression are the two sides of the Devil’s coin.

On one side we see a serpent in a tree, and on the other side, we see a fierce dragon.

The Devil’s coin is only good for purchasing lies, indifference, hostility and desolation.

It is foolhardy of peacemakers to use the Devil’s money.

Innocence and free expression are the two sides of God’s coin.

On one side, we see sheep on a hill, and on the other side, we see a shepherd and a lion.

God’s coin is good for purchasing truth, reason, atonement and prosperity.

God’s currency is good in all markets of peacemaking.

By not speaking out, or by suppressing others, we give power to the reign of cowards dressed in monster suits – we give life to ‘the beast’. From self-suppression (forehead) to the suppression of others (right hand), we all give life to the beast that gives life to tyranny and terrorism. I cannot sell this, as long as no one will buy it.

The terrorist gets pissed off because the mainstream media denies attention to his philosophy, while the governments slander his cause and label him a criminal – which only closes the door on his publicity until he snaps and bombs a marketplace. By virtue of ancient and supposedly divine presumptions that will not yield to reason, preachers broadcast religious hatred of innocent peoples (E.g. LGBT) and taunt them in the same way. They make scapegoats out of dissenters, which pisses them off even more – and understandably so.

The general population does not seem to possess the intelligence to reason that only reasoning together will help to end the destruction and hell of aggressive attention-getters.

I bet the ratings would soar through the roof if a television station put out the message that they will give Osama Bin Laden one hour of airtime to share his gripe with the world. Osama’s failure to speak would either demonstrate that he is not willing to give any reasons for his anger but behave as he has been accused, or that for some shady reason President Bush is afraid to allow that speech. This could be a step toward appeasement of grievances, but I will not hold my breath. The issue herein is too closely tied to the ultimate exorcism of church from state. You might say that Osama is going to inadvertently remove the veil of tyranny – like the one in the courtroom, which is trying Saddam Hussein.

~ I am soon to appear in court for posting the necessary threats to bring attention to a ‘libel little book’ and ‘Forward the Judgment’, (notice the date)

Notice the articles that follow the one that the Secret Service manages to keep replacing at the beginning of my list of ‘Google’ hits, but they obviously have not made the crucial links to my name spelled backwards. My accusers do not know what lies in store. Go ‘Google’ my name backwards after you read this: (notice the date)

It will be such joyous fun when Constable Graham of the Fort St. John, BC RCMP finally stops dawdling about getting together with me.

[Sent to John Kerry and Michael Moore, among others.] January 26, 2006

~ I am Richard Kobzey / yezbok drahcir. [Ready for screen capture of frame, post, and front page with headline, then learn who the evil censors are and who they work for.]

As a gay deist, who sees two-spirit being as a very important transition of human spiritual development, I will give my blood, sweat and tears to see the tax-exempt foundation ripped out from beneath so-called revealed religions that have the big bucks to buy airtime so that they can spew hatred and cause vicious deaths like that of that sweet young man Matthew Shepard.

~ The lion of the tribe of Sisters

Some day people will exonerate these writings for their prophetic insights, but unfortunately, appreciate them too late. Ignorance is bittersweet to liberty – it is the ultimate tool of the oppressor. While the ignorant laugh at the prophets, the king and his false prophets profit greatly through the blood, sweat and tears of the self-enlisting slaves to ignorance.

Ignorance is too big a market to ignore. People, who ignore violations of other people’s freedom of speech, are guiltier than suppressers, and deserving of the same suppression and public indifference, yet the innocent would not sit by if this were to happen. Some people think innocence and ignorance can co-exist, but they cannot.

Wake-up the Protesters – and Protestants

If we were all sitting in the same room, instead of being separated by the time of writing articles then uploading and waiting for responses, I have no doubt that the rest of the people gathered would be opposed to the censorship of the moderator, unless the person speaking is just trying to antagonize the group. We would be much more accountable for what is censored from our discussion.

When it is clearly not the writer’s intention to piss off individuals or make malicious attacks on Indymedia websites, I consider the moving of an article off an IMC front-page to be censorship.

I believe in the truth of what I write, and if anyone out there fears my philosophy, they would do more for social peace if they would correct it, refine it or ignore it rather than hide it, because it will not go away until a fair hearing is permitted.

Sometimes I submit hours of writing, and you had better believe that I am just as passionately serious about my convictions as the terrorist who keeps facing censorship from the mainstream. I wonder how many would-be terrorists have come to Indymedia, only to have uploads deleted because they could not find the right way to vent their anger or frustration. I am dying to have a dialogue with these angry people especially because of the danger they represent down at the public market, but I am not as much concerned with the dangers that trolls present to intelligent discussion.

We need to find common agreement before we can triumph over our disagreements.

I know that I am not the only contributor who gets very angry after spending several hours writing and editing an article that feels ready for upload, only to have some editor remove it and give it some label, or delete it altogether.

I especially get very frustrated dealing with terrorists and religious fundamentalism, so I devote much of my time trying to talk in their language so that they might learn to think in my language of peace – which has no mystery to it. I cannot avoid speaking without using the ideological or liturgical terms that hold the minds of these people hostage, so if an articles seems to speak what the editor calls ‘religious diatribe’, I would appreciate it if they could just move on and let the readers do the correcting or ignoring – similar to the ‘change the channel’ effect.

I am not asking Indymedia to place an advertisement on CNN saying, come fill up our space with your foolish trolling. All I ask is for careful consideration of what you censor, lest it come back to bite you someday. Just take it easy with censorship, please – this will quickly turn people off. I know that trolls get bored quickly when there are no responses, so if you think I am a troll, do not respond – otherwise censorship will just piss me off even more. We are going to have to tolerate trolls and suppressive editors until they see their perilous end.

For many good reasons Indymedia should maintain a censorship-free venue, otherwise they are fooling us into wasting our time here fighting the same forces of suppression that oppress us in the mainstream media.

There is only one logical justification for an editor to delete an article, that is if it warrants government intimidation, but it is the editors’ responsibility to label a backroom category ‘legal heat’, which might spare the liberty or life of unbeknownst individual bloggers we might otherwise count on for future votes.

Furthermore, I am not interested in reading the same old systemic rubbish that accomplishes nothing but reinforcement of fear and incapability. I say it is high time to bring on subject matter that rattles the political cages of the status quo, until they blatantly expose themselves trying to intimidate Indymedia editors into censoring free speech while placing Indymedia into the public spotlight.

It seems that Indymedia will be no more a potent source of information than individual will and anonymous sitting-duck bloggers or corporate media, if they exercise segregation of thought, which only feeds ignorance and spite and systemic status quo rubbish that is so freely regurgitated from Corporate media sources.

Could someone please link here from DC IMC, because the editor will not allow me to place any further uploads. How democratically unfair…

IMC Israel has been very receptive to me, and I will always speak highly of their free standards, but I have nothing nice to say about DC IMC, so I will not bother with them, but link to my articles that are hidden in their archives.

One does not have to be a Christian Zionist to be a friend of Israel. In fact, religious Zionism creates more trouble for Israel and Her nonpartisan peace activists.

Zionism propagates a big race with Islamic fundamentalists for the temple mount in Jerusalem, making many Israelis uneasy, because of inherent racial privileging among co-existing creeds.

OPINION: I think the Vatican is waiting for the right moment to send in the pope to mediate and make peace in Israel. They have distanced themselves in silence and now they are poised to win favor with those who will fail to see through Her larger and longer-running plans to win back the power to manipulate national courts, politicians, and nations of people. Within an unprecedented twenty years, Catholic Justices have taken over the Supreme Court. Justice Scalia was the first Catholic Justice appointed in thirty years, now, almost suddenly Samuel Alito is the fifth Catholic Justice out of nine Justices on the US Supreme Court.

Theists antagonize atheists, so atheists antagonize back, while deists stand on safe middle ground – just like the forefathers of the US Constitution who did not intend to make way for rival religious sects to dominate national policy or the courts. Sam Alito makes a majority of 55.55 percent Catholic Supreme Court Justices who will not disappoint the Vatican when it comes to making decisions pertaining to euthanasia, abortion, or freedom of choice, like using cannabis.

I do not give much thought to ignoramuses who will say that I am anti-Catholic; because intelligent people will understand that, I am only anti Vatican backroom advantages over suppressed political voices and repressed spiritual choices. All of my grandparents were Catholic – and I loved them dearly. I am just saying that Catholics in high places need to watch their step, because they must not anger the Vatican as I think the Liberal-Democrat Catholic President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his Presidential Candidate brother Robert did.

See this prediction made on October 27, 2005 – four days before President Bush announced his new Appointee to the Supreme Court; it seems to have come true after ninety-five days.

Wake Up, You Protestants and Protesters!

Laws that infringe on free speech are most condemnable, and those who preach censorship condemn the wrong people to silence, while the ‘serpent’ (censorship) deceives the masses.

What is libel? People insult each other all the time. Who decides which insults cost money? Can the GLBT community sue televangelists? When I think about the awful murder of Matthew Shepard, I feel I have good reason to speak libel against organized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt hatemongering fools like Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell.

People did not ‘smell the coffee’ on the trains to Auschwitz, because no one was able to broadcast the Furor’s plans.

Should the Jews hate political suppression more than anything or anyone? I would think so. It would have been the cruelest experience imaginable to be with thousands of people who had absolutely no power to communicate or conspire to escape, but go to their deaths because of forced silence. When we consider the many historical parallels, it is no wonder that freedom of assembly and speech formed the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

Any Jewish Senator who would not stand up against Sammy ‘the Fifth’ Scalito’s Confirmation would seem brain-dead. People came to power during the third Reich, with more media sophistication and manipulation than the negligent Administration that we see in America today, either because Hitler tricked the religious leaders into endorsing him for his religious rhetoric, or they were privy to it and gave him media advice. Whoever was behind that vile mindset had an explicit understanding of the mechanisms of ‘revealed’ religion. The Third Reich could not have risen by any other means than the sly gradual ensnarement of society through media control, suppression, taking control of the courts – and of course, creating scapegoats based on religious reasoning.

The old historical pattern is emerging again. More and more peoples’ rights are being taken away, and they are being pushed into a corner, and only those few brave enough are standing up in rebellion to the strangle hold that ‘revealed’ religion has on democracy. Look at Palestine now, or Iraq, and see how democracy walks a fine line between religious freedom and religious domination, then think why many nations are uncomfortable with the newly elected Hamas Party. I hope that this will finally be the unveiling and the undoing of unfair religious infiltration of the democratic process, and a need for consensus government.

I think deists ought to be on the Supreme Court, because they make much more sense than these ‘professors’ of apostasy do. Deists do not claim to be doing some god’s will, but the will of one people under many or no gods – that is, the right to reason without being slandered by dominant ‘revealed’ religious leaders and cut off from the media.

If people wish to label me, let them call me a deist whistleblower that sees how the big finale of the Fourth Reich will require so-called messiahs who are actually antichrists, and so-called antichrists that are actually true seers devoured by masses of people blindly incited by religious-political media-dominating ringleaders.

The Politics of a Deist

To my dying day, I will give my blood, sweat and tears – sell my very soul – to see the tax-exempt foundation ripped out from beneath the zealots of so-called ‘revealed’ religion – zealots like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson or John Hagee. They are Zionist fools who would fool others into going to see a destructible man in a destructible temple saying that he is the messiah. They confuse the archetypical ‘temple’ of human media and ‘the veil’ of suppression with some manmade structure where Christ himself warned, “Go not Forth”.

Trough feeders, who swindle big bucks from the very people that their tongues mislead and oppress, buy airtime so that they can spew more hatred and cause vicious deaths. It makes my blood boil when I think about their propaganda, and how it causes violent deaths like that of the innocent young man Matthew Shepard.

Falwell and Robertson, those obvious false prophets, then hide behind flaws in the First Amendment, saying that it is their right to believe and to speak hatred disguised as ‘good news’. I can imagine that those thugs who killed Matthew Shepard did so rationalizing ‘Fag, sinner, scapegoat, who cares the churches condemn them, and the courts do not seem to care either’. I am sure it was nothing like, ‘He is the son of a Supreme Court Justice – we will get slaughtered’.

I am proud of Matthews’s parents for speaking out against the Death Penalty. I am glad to see that instead of going to sleep – nighty-night – Matthew’s killers can haul their little butts down to the machine shop and make ‘license plates’ until they rot, or else write something that would inspire peace among humankind – like Tookie Williams did. I will refrain from going on about the innocent people slaughtered by government-sanctioned death, and how I feel that it is the family’s right to decide the fate of their loved one’s killers. Again, those nasty preachers who stir up controversy with the abortion issue, are so quick to turn to the death penalty with their eye for an eye rhetoric, while ignoring the fact that the death penalty is the ultimate act of not forgiving and failed atonement.

I am a deist who sees the two-spirit being as a very important transition to the perfection of human spiritual development, and their oppressors as agents of evil, who trample scapegoats while biblically ‘justifying’ their cause (i.e. Hitler) as ‘God’s will’.

I cannot encourage or forbid abortion, nor leave it to the courts to decide, because they are merely comprised of flawed beings that are no more capable of judging Jane Doe that the rest of us humanoids. Abortion is exactly that – an issue of individual judgment – not collective prohibition imposed by those who will hand such decisions to a Vatican-guaranteed five-out-of-nine Supreme Court decision. Do you know what happened to the Liberal-Democrat Catholic JFK? Be sure that Sammy ‘the Fifth’ Alito will keep Pope Benedict XVI very happy in the public eye.

As a deist, I see the spiritual whoredom of so-called ‘revealed’ religion and Caesar’s tax-advantaged, big mouth, troublemakers who divide and spiritually conquer like that dirty old businessman Pat Robertson and others like him.

As a deist, I can plainly see organized religion pitted against non-conformists. I would encourage discussion of the policies of those who would forbid this discussion, and analyze the ‘revealed’ religious root of that forbiddance.

I must assume that Christ had seen martyrs in his day and that he very well knew when to back off and head for cover like the illuminati. The crucifixion whether or not, still strongly symbolizes suppression. Several years later, along came the Apostle Paul. He seemed an atrocity from birth to death, and ironically, if it were not for his convoluted writings the Christian Church would not have been as divided up as it has. Our modern world makes it quite evident that Paul planted the seeds of division among Christ’s subordinates. If you get into a doctrinal debate with a person from another branch of Christianity, you will find all doctrinal controversies entirely based upon Paul’s writings. I am sure the same sort of thing happened with Islam, because I doubt any people in their right minds would give birth to such obvious peace-defying deviations that we see today.

[As a deist who respects the covered-up and obviously hidden story of Christ’s true mission, I probably should not have even insulted those mentioned, but sometimes it takes a concrete example to make a point. Then again, if truth is insulting, so be it – lies are deadly.]

The true perverts in democracy are those who act in defiance of their deist forefathers by using intimidation for subordination, rather than being open to reasonable discussion. They would have individual whistle blowers paranoid of government spies and the absolute power of the president to abduct and hold people for years without a fair hearing, but they will not have time to enact their projection of fear because people already ‘smell the coffee’.

By the nature of the articles that certain IMCs have hidden, it seems apparent that many of the site editors make a pro-Christian mistake of censoring me as some kind of Catholic hater. I only wish everyone liberty and freedom from the oppression of religious morality traps that obscure the golden rule and cause division and grief – not to mention persecution (e.g. Matthew Shepard).

~ The lion of the tribe of Sisters

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