
Gold Star Families for Peace Updates


John Murtha stunned the Bush White House last November by calling for the withdrawal of all American troops from Iraq. The 73-year-old Democratic congressman from Pennsylvania, a much decorated war hero from Vietnam and Korea, was in the Marines for 37 years, and is a heavyweight in military matters in the Congress. Now he’s predicting that the vast majority of American troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end. All this from a man who just one year ago argued against what he’s arguing for now. Mike Wallace talks to Murtha about why he changed his mind, and how he proposes we extricate ourselves from Iraq, on this week’s 60 Minutes, Sunday, Jan. 15, 7PM ET/CT on CBS.

Peoples State of the Union address.

On January 31st Gold Star Families for Peace along with Code Pink and other Peace Activist will be holding a Peoples State of the Union Address in Washington DC before the SOTU. We know that what we will be hearing fron the Bush crime family will be more lies. Come join us and hear the TRUE State of Union.Speakers scheduled thus far will be Cindy Sheehan co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace and Ann Write. noted Peace Activist and former member of the Diplomatic Corp. Ann resigned from her position out of protest to the then impending war. More speakers are being lined up for this powerful event. More details will be sent out soon.

In Peace, Dede

Gold Star Families for Peace

Donate to GSFP
2010 Linden Ave.Venice Ca. 90291

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

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