
CIA Kidnapping Flights

CIA Kidnapping Flights

Originally uploaded by andymatic.

Andymatic found this lovely torture flight map from Spiegel.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

4 replies on “CIA Kidnapping Flights”

My family owns property, wonder if there is any way of restricting the military from flying over it! They fly over ALL the time in their helicopters & planes. You can watch them refueling sometimes. Jets sometimes fly so low you can see the pilots. I have been waved to by one of them before. I guess if they make a mistake, and crash land into our homes out here in the sticks…it won’t matter, no one would know.

Wrote this on the flickr comments as well:

I think the rendition flights are terrible… HOWEVER.. when it comes to the case of Portugal, first of all this map makes a pathetic mistake of calling the Azores “the island of Azure”, a mistake which in itself shows a certain level of carelessness and lack of knowledge when it comes ot geography, and furthermore is doesn’t explain that, in the case of the Azores and I believe Mallorca, these are American airbases where the national governments have more or less 0% control over what flies in and out. thats not excusing it, thats just a fact.

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