
Homeland Security To Build Detention Camps In The United States

from Business Wire via gnn:

Not only are these “detention centers” (a friendly euphemism for prison camp or concentration camp) being set up for detaining (imprisoning) immigrants, but plans are also in the works to use these camps “in the event of an immigration emergency, as well as the development of a plan to react to a national emergency, such as a natural disaster.”

The official story is that in such a scenario, they would be used to house law enforcement and relief support personnel. What else might these camps be used for?
[Posted By ShiftShapers]

But don’t worry, folks. You just keep worrying about Angelina and Brad. Idiots.


YR319 TIME SENSITIVE SHOW: Please Listen Right Away! Action Item

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There is still time to filibuster Alito.
Some momentum is building within the Democrats.
Your help is reqired.

Save the Court
U.S. Senate Telephone Directory

Dr. Fran

Why Alito Must be Filibustered
Democrats Have the Power To Stop Alito
One Person at a Time

FIRST, click on the poll and auto-fax links here, here, and here to get your message out quickly and easily.

SECOND, call the Democratic National Committee at 202-863-8000 and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee at 202-224-2447. You can also fax the DSCC at 202-969-0354 and email it at [email protected]. Tell them you�re a Democratic activist who is disheartened by the lack of courage in Washington, that you feel like giving up, and that your donations, and the hours of footwork you invest to elect Democrats every other November, are hinging on whether the Alito filibuster succeeds. Tell them you�ll support Nader before you�ll support a Vichy Democrat, and you want to see your damn party show some backbone for a change.

THIRD, call each Senator�s voicemails � first DC, then their main local number, then each branch office number � and leave a voicemail on each one. IF YOU GET A MESSAGE SAYING ANY MAILBOX IS FULL, PLEASE POST A COMMENT HERE WITH DETAILS AND I�LL CROSS THAT NUMBER OFF THE LIST.

FOURTH, when the voicemails are full, start sending emails. Again, if you get a message saying the Senator�s mailbox is full, please post a comment here and I�ll cross that email off the list.

FIFTH, send a fax, especially if you live in that Senator�s state. If you don�t have a fax machine, there are fax websites here and here. You also might have faxing software in your Windows or Mac OS. Again, if you get a message saying the fax is out of paper, post a comment and I�ll cross that email off the list too.

SIXTH, check back here between 8 am and 9 am Monday morning for that day�s game plan. I�ll have updated info on each Senator�s status.

Our goal? By Monday morning, to fill every voicemail, email, and fax machine, in every key Senator�s Washington AND District offices, to overflowing. Then rinse and repeat.