
YR293 Mother Gussie and Gussie’s Milkshake 2005 Finale

podcast badge
Last Sirius show of the year
means that any remaining shows are free-form and web-only.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

3 replies on “YR293 Mother Gussie and Gussie’s Milkshake 2005 Finale”

I think the idea of the “time capsule cast” is a wonderful idea. You could gather a bunch of podcasters together and let each one contribute their take on the world. It would be really awesome if you could get Amy Goodman to contribute as well. Burn it to CD, bury it, and then MANY years from now we could all get together and listen. Love you Madge, have a safe trip home.

per your comment that I “should do my own podcast with a name like podcastmark,” I am the guy who was doing the boy novice sound system podcast… until last summer… reasons I’ve stopped it? we are working on an album now so no time for podcasting.

I hope when I do start up again you’ll once again be one of our listenturds.

or whatever.

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