
YR292 MishMash Show with Norm Kitchen Bitch and Pizza Blubberucunt

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And even a cameo
from Gussie!

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

38 replies on “YR292 MishMash Show with Norm Kitchen Bitch and Pizza Blubberucunt”

You know Madge, I got to tell you Madge, there’s this thing im thinking about Madge, I have a comment. A comment Madge, a comment. Now my comment Madge is this Madge:
I can’t stand Norm any longer.

This isn’t your favorite correspondent,

I agree with with Norm. I’m fucking tired of hearing that song. It’s so manipulative. Like the way Norm keeps his chick under control also. Get the slush out of the hole Berta!

Hey Madge – I just got home and started grabbing the show, and saw the show note in iTunes. A cameo from Gussie? Woohoo! I’m crossing everything I have two of for a speedy recovery for her and a better week for you, doll!

Hello Miss Weinstein,
I wrote to you once before regarding the death of my husband and how my first laugh after all that darkness came after listening to your show (dildos inside hurricane got me). Today I listened and heard my husband come to life again when I heard your correspondent tell his girl to “scoop out the slush from the hole.” That was my husband alive again and I started to cry but it was a good cry. I ice fished many times with him and he’d say, “Scoop out the slush Evie, scoop out the slush.” Thank you again. Is there a place I can make a donation to you? Thanks so very, very much and Merry Christmas.

Thanks to Norm now i think that christmas shoe song is about a little boy who has a mom that’s a sick whore and needs some clear heels so she can fuck jesus.

get norm off the air, madge. as a long time listener (since January) i have heard nearly everything you’ve done and today was the first time i considered taking a break from the show. the reason ?


i would rather listen to a liposuction procedure than NORM. i come to listen to you talk about bloat, politics, your dog, whatever… but Norm is not what I listen to you for.

Most the time I like Norm, today’s Norm was annoying.

And Hun-ee, Cheese Curds are great! The fried ones are served hot, not cold…but you can have them cold, before they are battered and fried. Also good. If they are really fresh, they squeak! yum.

Go Madge, you lesbo rock star! BTW: Go see TransAmerica, a very well done movie.

Woah, so much hatred for the Norm. I’m surprised. But I agree to an extent. I usually find his schtick amusing but today just went on way too long. There’s only so much you can take.

I don’t think it was Norm and his “shtick”, the whole show was a bit off-kilter. You have to balance it out. Don’t put Norm in a show that has little or no music in it, it doesn’t work that well.

i love norm. i love the way he says madge all the time i think it is hilarious and just brilliant that he is so deep into his character. There are far more annoying guests on Madge’s show to complain about, but being a good christian woman, I will only talk about them behind her back.

Well, Madge, let me explain it this way… When you say something nasty about someone (like telling the gentle audience to fuck off or calling Gussie ‘slightly retarded’) we can hear the love in your voice. We know you don’t mean it.

When Norm is nasty to his Mrs., or talks shit about women or little kids, there is a lack of empathy in his voice — it’s like he’s pretending to be funny about actual feelings.

His laugh is fake and so is his schtick. Bring back Berbacia (spelling?) Clemens more often, whore!!!

You’re a very bitter or jealous person (two posts aimed at Norm here). You seem to have an actual hatred toward Norm. I’ll never head to your site or read your stuff. You’re dark and angry and your rage directed toward another human being tells me all I need to know about you. Yeah, I’ll rush over and listen to your work. Have you ever met Norm? I remember a few years back he gave away real Christmas trees to people who couldn’t afford them by asking readers to leave telephone numbers of tree lots near their home. Norm is a cult icon. Who is Podcast mark? I understand his recordings get thousands of downloads a shot. I’ve read Norm for years and love his Podcasts(Real Audio before that and clunky waves before that) and I’m pretty sure you’re right, he is faking it, idiot. He’s a fiction writer. Dah… I’ll bet he wasn’t ice fishing at all, probably wasn’t even there and the Mrs. you’re concerned about more than likely doesn’t exist and the laugh that’s fake is fake and that’s why it’s so much fun! He works hard and takes people like me on tiny imaginative trips and they’re genius. You say you can hear the love in Madge’s voice and when it’s Norm’s turn to be on the air you don’t hear the love anymore. I’m sure that’s the way Madge wants it. Why not have one big show of all loving people; like you?
I work at a major network and the team I work with listen to everything he posts and then we talk about it ’cause it’s fun and makes you think.

Shut Up Bitch!
Sorry Norm. (I, like Audrey, have defended you, too. Not quite like this, though.)
Keep Riding!

Norm is awesome! Norm is also a satirist and that are so many comments on this thread indicates his satire is pushing buttons. Which is what satire is all about. Satire is not comfort food.

Also, some people are jealous that they are not thin and good looking.

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