
YR288 I why cant I use flucking apostrophies in titles without itunes going flucking crazy?

I can’t remember what this show is about. I’ll re-listen to it and provide show notes.
Smelly Penis Guy’s blog.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

26 replies on “YR288 I why cant I use flucking apostrophies in titles without itunes going flucking crazy?”

another fantastic show madge. as soon as i finished listening i scooted on over to the podcast directory in itunes and wrote a review. keep doing what you’re doing, it’s like a little ray of sanity on a cloudy day.

Cardio is not for fat loss. Think of your body as a machine. If you are using it at a raised heart rate (fat burn) then your body feels comfortable to burn its fat reserves. If you push your body to work harder (cardio) it “panics” and only uses your muscle mass so that it has fat reserves for emergency. This is why athletes eat high amounts of carbs to burn. Cardio is great to do for the health of your heart, but if weight loss is your goal: take your age and subtract it from 180. This number should be the HIGHEST that you go during your session. If you can keep it just below this number for 30 minutes, your body will switch into a “fat burn mode” which will increase your metabolism for eight hours.
There are many views on the subject, but this is the rule I live by.


Jeremy Coleman! talk about the walking dead.. I remember when he was station manager of WNEW in New York, he absolutely sucked as a manager. now im worried about sirius. Well then again, we already knew it was (besides the podcast channel) like a commercial radio retirement home.

To me there is only one Norman Augistinus and he is most important to me. Though he is everything I am not allowed to be. When I hear him talking to you my spirit is allowed to wander most freely. I am very much thankful for you employing him for others to enjoy at no cost.

Yes I agree. Perhaps someone should get a bit of creativity. Whorehaps they were doing that on purpose? Either way, it made my southern mucus membrane excrete something fierce. *queef* And not in a good way.

We are NOT all like that. I’m thinking I may record a little rant for Madge about the racist riots over here at the moment just to prove that we care about real issues and that we don’t rip off everyone else.

Madge, I fucking LOVE the Edna Everages too.

In regards to the apostrophe thing, I’m guessing that your feed is escaping some of the characters that xml doesn’t like (I THINK apostrophe is one of them.) In order to create “valid xml” the code that writes your rss feed is translating these characters to their ascii values. I might be wrong.

I too have added a little star in itunes for u Madge.Sorry to hear the poor quality of the audio mail today.-It makes me cringe to hear all these middle-class whiteys trying to emulate your now legendary ‘vulgarity’-when they do it,-it is vulgar & they cloud the important issues & insult your intelligence by ranting on about superficial shit which they think is funny.Anyway-they made the effort right? & u played it-did’nt affect the overall effect of your show-so that’s good.

Hey there folks, I’m the guy who a number of you didn’t enjoy on Madge’s show. I didn’t realise that I upset so many people till I heard the latest show and Madge mentioned hate mail so I thought I better hit her site and have a look. Hate to me despite my rants on my podcast is something I’d rather not associate myself with.

I’m not Norm, he is an idol to me and the stories that he tells are fabulous. It’s not meant to sound even roughly like his show at all as he is a brilliant entertainer and I am by definition and name an idiot (hence idiotboxradio). I do this for fun only and was honored that Madge played it. Upon listening back I can see how people could think I was taking a cue from Norman as I said Madge’s name a lot during it, this was purely due to Madge stating that if you send something in to make sure that it’s directed to her and the show. The easiest way to do this is to direct a lot of the commentary to her by name.

There are enough people complaining about serious matters on their shows and the riots in Australia absolutely disgusted me to the very core. Racism or oppression in any form is abhorrent to me.

The editing is deliberately ordinary and choppy and all I am out to do is hopefully bring a smile to anyone by complaining about small, mundane, totally unimportant things. If you didn’t find it funny, please either don’t listen or fast forward to where Madge rips me to shreds for the real laugh.

I noted above that a fellow Aussie is going to comment or do a rant about the riots that took place and I fully support that and look forward to hearing it. Truth be told, I had thought about talking about the issue and then realised that there was a great chance that my small group of listeners would think that possibly I was making light of the event.

Anyways, thanks for allowing my two cents and I wish each and every one of you a great break, and hope that 2006 brings you all the health, happiness and laughter that we all deserve.

Best Wishes,


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