
YR278 The Echo Chamber or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bloat

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This is a serious Yeast Radio show. I inturdviewed the brilliant create of The Echo Chamber Project, Kent Bye.
If you are concerned about the shitty sucky media in this cuntry, then you need to hear this show.

Show notes from Kent Bye:
Want to get more involved with the Echo Chamber Project?

This page will be updated with how you can volunteer.

I am building out my support network, so please subscribe one or more of my different RSS feeds listed below. As my audience grows, then I will start releasing more and more audio from these 76 interviews. There are separate feeds for my video blog and more technically-oriented conversations — or you can subscribe to everything with the All Media feed.

All Media (Blog/Audio/Video/Links)

Video Blog

Interview Audio

Community & Technology Audio

If you can code PHP, and want to help create the open source Drupal modules for collaborative media production, then please send an e-mail to [email protected]

These PHP coders will be able facilitate even more people getting involved down the road, so please help spread the word to your technologist friends or websites.

I’m also on the lookout for any business-minded people who want to help produce the film, put together a business plan for open media production.

If you would like to help transcribe 5-minute chunks of interviews, then this page has more information: Help Transcribe These Interviews. I’m hoping to recruit a swarm of volunteers who can help make collaborative investigative filmmaking scalable.

If you’d like to get more involved down the road, then send an e-mail to [email protected] to keep posted.

Finally, here are some links to items discussed in this conversation:

Two blog posts with more information describing the mechanics of collaborative filmmaking:
Collaborative Media with Drupal + Final Cut Pro XML
SMIL Demos: Paving the Way for Collaborative Audio Editing

A 30-minute pre-war speech from Scott Ritter that predicted the upcoming PR campaign to sell the war in Iraq by using weapons of mass destruction as the pretext. This was the speech catalyzed The Echo Chamber Project.

Jay Rosen talks about how “a lot of people want to enter into the public world through the eyes and the arguments and the ideas of bloggers.”

Doug Rushkoff
talks about the new media renaissance and questions the traditional dramatic curve narrative format.

Baltimore City Paper Cover Story that talks more about the genesis of the Echo Chamber Project and the political transformation that Kent went through leading up to the project.

Josh Marshall comments on the PR strategy of the White House’s pushback:
“The White House doesn’t need to win any debates. What they need is for their core supporters to have something to say. Anything. And to be able to say it loudly. The one thing that would be fatal for the White House from its defenders would be silence.”

Today, December 1, is World AIDS Day
(download and install the software, then join the team)
Click here AFTER you’ve registered and installed to join us.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

12 replies on “YR278 The Echo Chamber or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bloat”

Madge, I haven’t listened to this podcast yet but I’ve just turned on the news here [Channel 9, a major network here] in Australia and they are FINALLY discussing the videos that you posted a couple of days ago of the security murdering people in the streets and are totally ripping into Bush. Most of the footage [interviews, reporters] seem to be from a British news though, so at least the international media are taking note of the kind of bullshit going on with the war.

I’d love to learn to do that also! Maybe it will give me a new purpose in life…! Do you have to have lots of special equipment, or just a software program? (I’m tired of just calling and complaining to people all the time. It’s like always being on the phone with the electric company…)


What a great interview. This sounds a really groundbreaking and much needed project. Kent Bye is certainly going to get my subscription to his RSS feed and I suspect also that of many thousands of others.

Great work Madge, you ought to do more of this kind of stuff – I never thought I’d say it but you’re at your best when straight. Sublime. Go get ’em girl!

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