
YR277 Jesus Ate Your Mom Out

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Jesus Sucks. Catholics Sell.

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with cuntributions from
Daves Calderbanks
Cheryl the Swolen

other link:
Foodie Moongirl
Chili’s Queen
Dirty Blubbercunt

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

29 replies on “YR277 Jesus Ate Your Mom Out”

dearest menstral lesbian you sounded grumpy today and you’ve every right to be, but the “fuck chauncey” comment was cruel, that beautiful beast has feelings and deserves more love, hug that beast now, hug it bitch !!!!!
love forever zeeche

Madge, when you are ready to move, can I move with you and be your neighbor? I’m quiet, I use headphones so you won’t have to listen to my music and I don’t own any power tools, so you won’t have to listen to me “fix” anything because I don’t know how to fix anything anyways! *sighs* Last night I was feeling the exact same way about the how church thing, I still do. *sighs again*

I listened to your podcast and I still don’t know why you hate Jesus/Hitlerpope.

Well, I know they hate hermosexuals, but what did they do recently that prompted this outburst?

Thanks for placing my anger bloatoff at the end so that the sirius listenturds did not hear it–we would not want them to be raped by the sheer beauty of Cheryl Merkowski. I hope that miss soccergirl heard it–that scat queen.

I don’t even care about Jesus or the pope. I don’t hate them, i just don’t give a fuck. To me they’re just as real as Donald Duck or Harry Potter. Does that mean i’m gonna go to hell?

Hey everyone, I have good connections with Red (Satan). He says that when we all die we are going to have a BLAST!!! He said that people are saying such bad things about hell when really, ITS A LOT OF FUN!!! He said we were going to have tons of food to eat, plenty of COLD tea to drink (he also said beer, but I don’t drink). He said Heaven is such a boring place, he said all people do up there is float around on clouds and make toasted bagles and put cream cheese on them! He said that if we wanted to come, we were all more than welcome to come, the only requirement was that we show that we give a shit and say TO HEAVEN WITH THE POPE! Oooh, he also says that if you can, it would be nice if you could bring a side dish along.

I downloaded and installed that application and am now trying to figure out how to join the qPodder group. Can someone please tell me? Its probably something simple and I’m retarded.

Finally, somebody SAID IT!!! Why in the hell is any self-respecting homosexual supporting the likes of the Catholickme Church (or ANY church that’s not affirming and inclusive?) For gawd’s sake, GET OUT, and TAKE YOUR MONEY WITH YOU!!! We’ll see what kind of tune the dress-wearing self-hating homophobes start to “hum” when they loose a good chunk of gay change out of the collection “basket”. Fuckers.

Frankly, I don’t blame Jesus for this. To paraphrase Woody Allen, “If Jesus could come back today and see what [they’re] doing in His name He’d never stop throwing up.” [Hannah and Her Sisters]

WLB :>)

My sentiments exactly! If people actually READ the Bible, they’d see that whole big inconvenient chunk in there about “not judging other people.” Must make God really happy to know all these neo-cunts are doing his job for him…!

Very nice random and obscure professional sports reference.
Not that I entirely disagree. An assimilation of violence is one way to view professional sports. Performance Art is another. Of course it all depends on which sport we’re talking about. American Football mirrors war with it’s two front lines, but basketball is physical jazz and embodies democratic principles where it is necessary to work as a team. Of course, I’m a biased listener.

How about baseball? I’ve always wondered what others thought about its representation of teamwork, etc. No front lines, but lots of coordination and choreography (almost)! Shall we expect kick-lines at the next World Series…? 😉

the pope tells us it is a sin to be gay, masturbate and have abortions. but
people will always do it; its just that they dont tell anyone.

i wank all day long like a chimp at the zoo, and i;m sure that 99% of all monks and priests do too, but I dont advertise that fact as i might get sacked again. the key is not to tell people you do it and be as quiet as possible during the
process itself i think. and lock any doors. its exactly the same if i was gay or became a woman and starting having abortions everywhere, i can still be a catholic but just dont tell anyone what goes on in the privacy of my own attic.

Damn thing not posting my whole comment… After that i said the “un-whore-iginal” was cuz she steals all your material, Madge. Like the fact that she’s named her lung. But I was only kidding. Love the Cheryl!!

omg i love that you keep soundclipping that preacher. that preacher rocks my socks! i wish i could find more anti-gay preachers with their crazy talk. that truly is a gem.


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