
YR276 Meat the Press and Curry Bashing Fun!

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What’s more fun on a Monday then Adams Curry bashing?

Also discussions with Joe Biden and John “stand by your man” Warner.

No show notes. fuck off.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

10 replies on “YR276 Meat the Press and Curry Bashing Fun!”

Just listened to Madge (yup, just got up about 30 mins ago). These fuckers are admitting that they were wrong, but just like a Republicunt, they “stand by their statement.” And fucking Cheney, SHUT THE FUCK UP, fucking asshole starts crying that people are saying the Bush administration lied to the American people, WHEN THEY DID. Cry me a river, these people are sick! Oooh, and Adam Curry (if you are listening) PLAY CHERYL’S (sp?) COMMENT!!! *sighs* I miss Cheryl! Nobody is giving Cheryl any attention lately.

Au contraire Andy!

I just happen to listen to the queen of queer just before I go to bed. I tried listening to Madge just after I’d woken up, but it proved no good, because then I have to go out with a massive erection.

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