A fun filled Sirius Stars Yeast Lesbian show followed by an inturdview with Joe and Sarah D’eon of the Fly with Me podcast.
Show notes:
ok let’s try the opml for the sirius show on this thing: 
yeast radio 11.28.05 sirius version
dave from chub creek yeast beats |
sending patricia paay botox kisses |
missed some to go get something to drink |
norm augustinus and snow globes |
what’s your vag number, officer lesbian? |
yeast radio is in the top 50 christian web sites but nowhere to be found on any major podcast top lists |
embarassing to listen to yeast? |
opml is very very inturdresting |
clip of lesbian hating preacher sent by |
can’t feel nothin’ with that thing |
phone call from some queen that wants head |
brilliant new catchphrase but |
you have to listen to hear it 🙂 |
folkyboy says thanks to podshow for rescuing him from purecast. |
gee: maybe they can actualy get me a fucking SPONSOR now. |
party over oops out of time 
show will continue for yeastradio listeners only after 24:00 mark.
interview from Portable Media Expo with Joe and sarah D’eon of the Fly with Me podcast. 

14 replies on “YR275 Fly with Yeast”
*sighs* If I listen to this today, I won’t have any Madge for tomorrow, ok, screw it, I’ll listen to it and then again turdmorrow!
Did you forget your fiber one, honey? You should totally start a Desperate Housewives fan club, I need someone to talk to about it, there had better be a new one on tonight!
Where did PNS get that horrible Al-Sharpton-On-Crack preacher clip? He sounds like Chris Rock doing a parody. His son can’t get a date for the prom? Could it be because he’s an ugly little asshole…? Oh, no, the girls are all lesbians. THAT’S the reason…sure.
GM is robbing their workers and the rest of the country?? Oh, say it ain’t so! 🙂
Too bad Madge didn’t play the entire clip, it gets really funny at the end: “you can’t make a connection between two screws, it takes a screw and a NUT!” I’d love to go with him to the hardware store and watch him explain how he tries to make that connection.
haha i won’t tell anyone you’re kind 😉
That “Al-Sharpton-On-Crack” was hilarious (the re-mix at around 24:00 was pretty great). I especially liked the “strap something on… that thing don’t have no feeling” part. GM deserves to crash and burn, but the employees don’t deserve getting fucked over. 30,000 people is a small city!
30,000 is more than my hometown!
There are only 2,500 people where I am from, lol
Perhaps Norman may not fit into society in the traditional sense but perhaps this is why I very much enjoy listening to you and him converse.
Ah yes. Excellet point!
The link to the mp3 of the show, she is a broken! 🙁
Hey everyone, Pam’s House Blend has this link:
It’s a flash animation of that speech.
Crap, I always hit add before I finish my though. Dammit! Anyways, I especially love the representation of him with pink shoes on! P.S. Madge, Did you enjoy DW on Sunday night? I LOVED IT! Especially with Bree shooting her gun, did that get you hot?
CRAP! I did it again, I really need to slow down and think these things out. DW should have been DH (Desperate Housewives)