
YR273 Deathsgiving

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Thanksgiving Day deathcast

Mikeypod and I discuss the impeding US sanctioned murder of a nobel peace price nominee. No joke.

Also a new song by the enigmatic Mr. Zeeche and a special prayer from WSB.

Stan Tookie Williams
• 1971 Co-founder of Los Angeles crips gang
• 1981 convicted of murdering four people during two robberies and sentenced to death row at San Quentin State Prison

The Trial
• Each of the witnesses who provided testimony were also facing felony charges, and had received incentives to lie in order to receive leniency from the state in their own sentencing
• Three African-Americans were kicked off the Jury, the jury consisted of one latino, one Filipino and ten Caucasians

While on Death Row
• 9 children’s books educating about avoiding gangs
• Tookie Protocol for Peace -in the beginning of 2004, 200 crips and bloods in Newark New Jersey signed a truce document based on his peace protocol. By May 2004 the Murder rate had dropped significantly.
• Nominated four times for the Nobel Peace prize, and three times for the Nobel Prize for Literature
• Received presidential call to service award this summer for his volunteer work to help youth
• “The U.S. Supreme Court, on October 11, 2005 , ruled against Tookie on his final appeal and set his execution date for December 13. Thus they disregarded 9 of the 24 Ninth Circuit Court judges’ assertion that the District Attorney at Tookie’s trial employed “reprehensible and unconstitutional” racist tactics, using animal-in-a-jungle metaphors to refer to Tookie and to the South Central environment in which he lived. This landmark ruling means that minorities can now be legally rejected from juries based on race.”

Gov. Schwarzenegger:
call: 916-445-2841
fax: 916-445-4633
e-mail: [email protected]

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

16 replies on “YR273 Deathsgiving”

What lesson will we give to gang members if we allow this convicted murderer to live?

Keep on killing, dealing, and stealing, because nothing will happen to you.

This man created the biggest street gang in the United States and destroyed many young black men’s lives.

I think you’re missing the point. How can any government say that “killing is wrong, and if you do kill someone we will kill you.” I’m putting it in Mickey Mouse terms here, but it just does not add up. Besides, a live sentence ain’t no picknick either.

How does state-sanctioned (sanctified) murder of a convicted murderer teach a lesson to anyone? Why is that those who support the death penalty do not have any proof to back up their claim? Perhaps, as a society, we should attempt to understand the factors that lead to drug use, as well as gang-related violence. Why don’t we look to solve the societal problems which lead up to crime, instead of attacking (murdering) the after-effects? Murder is murder is murder. Just because the State sanctions it doesn’t mean it is right.

In England we have problems with gun culture and psychopathic sub-cultures. One school of thought is that a spiral of violence becomes self-perpetuating in a community and gets to the point where local authorities see these people as being beyond redemption; the focus is concentrated on primary school children as they haven’t been affected yet.
Psychopaths are not seen as a psychological disorder and there seems to be no cure for them. It would be interesting to learn from Mr. Williams (Tookie) his thoughts on psychopathic behaviour and how it can be turned around. His death would be a great loss as he could help in understanding problem groups.

Ill be doing an investigative podjournalism show about Stanley Williams and the background to his life, the Crips, Southcentral LA, the State of California and their death penalty and other fun stuff related to some of the things mentioned on both this show and mikeys show. Therell be stuff about his international work as well.

If the guy is guilty we will be setting him free from his misery, he won’t have to think about what he has done for the rest of his life. I, personally, do not know his guilt. But if you KILL someone because they killed someone, you are just ending their suffering. BUT, thats how things in this country work, we kill them so we can put another person in there to kill.

Hey Madge, you were looking for an explanation for the fact that one in thirty black men is in prison. That question made me remember an eye-opening dutch (VPRO) documentary called The War on Drugs about ‘entrepreneurial police’ and ‘the prison industrial complex’ in the USA. Two episodes, each about 50minutes, ‘the winners’ and ‘the loosers’ both in english, with a short intro in Dutch. Thanks to the fabulous online archives of the VPRO this documentary is still available.

Tegenlicht – War on drugs – pt.1, The winners

Tegenlicht – War on drugs – pt.2, The loosers

Madge honey,
Not relating to the death sentence or anything, but I totally hear ya on the cluster headaches, I’ve been suffering with them for 15 years, they started while I was in high school. They suck stank, stale ass.

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