
YR272 The Rachel Kann bloaterus is alive and well and living in a car en route to Palo Alturd.

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Manly Rachel Kann
joins me to talk about food and zits.

Featuring a new song intro by Dave of Chub Creek. Dave has no last name.
Also a new track from Rachel’s CD is at the end of this here shew.
Visit and Buy HIS CD!

Rape Chel also stars in Eat Bird! with Ragans Fox.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

8 replies on “YR272 The Rachel Kann bloaterus is alive and well and living in a car en route to Palo Alturd.”

got it, yes, go, go, uh huh, got it, go, go

i’m DYING. SO funny. Rachel, would you hate me if I started doing that on Eat Bird. We really could work it in as part of our shtick, if Madge allowed us to steal it.

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That did not answer my question. I have been told that
the podcast was removed for censorship reasons and I
wanted to have a copy of the censorship policy of both
Apple and iTunes. This is a huge issue – and the issue
of censorship is very upsetting.


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