
YR269 EarthWhore

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Interview with Scott Siegler of Earthcore
at around 43:30.
other notes cumming.
Chili Guy – Orange rant
Kompakt Total 6
Final Fantasy
Podcasters Unite!

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

6 replies on “YR269 EarthWhore”

Huh? Why did they take Insane Films off iTunes? That’s fucking bullshit. I just stumbled across your Insane Films merchandise stuff and they are so amazing. I totally have to buy some of that shit. They look like a deranged, psychotic toddler’s scribblings. A++

ps You can call me by real name on air if you want!

Some really great content is now unavailable on iTunes. Insane films could try DTV and DTV is a beta application and is social tagging. Democracy Now is on DTV and Daily Planet was until they updated the application.
Could you tell us what reasons they gave for withdrawing insane films from iTunes?

The grunts call white phosphorous “shake and bake” that sick and degenerate term could only come from the American military; who have a reputation for being this lumbering inefficient lazy rag-tag outfit of dangerous assholes.

Apple blows chunks, then…fuck them. And I hate their frizty little “gallery” on Michigan Avenue, where you can only slaver over their merchandise, apparently…not even buy it. What the fuck is it, a jeweler’s?

I love the “Peach Pear Plum” song…it’s actually a well-written song with a nice melody. Joanna sounds like Melanie Safka on crack…:-) I like the Final Fantasy version, too.

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