berbacia clemons Podcasts

YR268 Hollywood Hills and Hollywood Whores Soundseeing with Berbacia Clemons

LOVE the Berbacia Clemons!

This whore is cRaZy! She went OFF!

another rachel kann song at the end

19 replies on “YR268 Hollywood Hills and Hollywood Whores Soundseeing with Berbacia Clemons”

AHA! There was no speed limit sign in 1955 (or whenever Warren was 16). No WONDER James Dean crashed.

If ONLY he’d known…

Fatty Arbuckle (nee Roscoe Arbuckle) was a silent film star whose career was derailed in 1921 when his roommate threw a party where a starlet named Virginia Rappe (allegedly) got screwed with a champagne bottle (predating even Madonna). But she apparently hemmorhaged and died, unfortunately, and Fatty went to trail for manslaughter (I don’t think there was even any evidence that he was the one who did it, but since it was his digs…). He was acquitted, but William Randolph Hearst ruined his career…he died in 1933 a large, broken man.

Irv Kupcinet was from Chicago, Madge! Jesus Christ! 🙂 He was a football announcer in the 50s and 60s. (Don’t worry, I had to look it up, too. I only knew that a section of Wabash Avenue in Chicago is named after him (north of Wacker)). He had a daughter named Karyn who was on the “Rise of the Goldbergs,” a 1950s TV show based on a popular radio show. She was murdered in 1963…they never caught her killer(s).

Such tragedy! Stay away from that part of town, girls…

Galileo! (Galileo…) Galileo! Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go, Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me…

Oh…now look what you two have done…bad nostalgia songs!

It is nice to hear Berbacia CLEARLY for once. Even though I live here in L.A./Hollywood and have been to all the places you went, the tour was nice to hear. Don’t mess with Tranny Hookers on Santa Monica and Highland!

Berbacia…why did you take Madge to Astro Burger? The food there is so gross.

Madge…I can not believe you did not know who Fatty Arbuckle was?

Rachey…Astro Burger does not have any good food. Their food didn’t even taste good after a night of hard drinking, which by the way, describes many of its night customers. Next thing you know, you are going to try to tell me that Yukon (aka Spukon) Mining Company has great food. The only reason people go to Spukon Mining Company is to be cleverly insulted by all the drag queens.

I had a hard time staying on the road on the way home from work tonight. I was laughing SO hard at Berbacia yelling at the tranny whores. I’ve really really missed hearing her on the show.

Always thought her name was Verbacia because she talks like an energizer bunny on acid and it’s a play on “verbal” or “verbatim” or something but i guess was wrong. Or no? Cuntfused.

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