
YR255 Steve Jobs Doesn’t Care About Gay People

Forget it. I’m done being nice about this. REPRESENT!

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

25 replies on “YR255 Steve Jobs Doesn’t Care About Gay People”

I was just thinking about how the mormons carved their corner in Utah and pretty much run that state however they want. Former slaves settled in Liberia. There is a long tradition of 2 options for oppressed people – 1> stay and fight and be part of a movement for change. 2>migrate to where you can be free
Now #1 should be the way to go, and im pretty sure lots of people are fighting (though it seems theyre losing) for that. But man, #2 seems so much healthier compared to all the stress of being demeaned and belittled by the country you live in.

Well your rant must have worked. The Feast of
Fools podcast was featured on the ITunes podcast home page! So Madge,
be careful what you ask for!

Oh, yes, I turned off the karmabanking episode after about 20 minutes, Madge. Here’s what I think.

Your interviewee misunderstands the free market. Everyone is already free to “boycott” (a.k.a. “not purchase from”) whatever company they choose, for whatever reason! How on earth would the market be free otherwise? This caller particularly pissed me off when he attempted to explain how “boycotts” could “hurt” companies in such a way that they would change their environmental policy. I think he used the phrase “negative dent” to describe the “power” people have to “hurt” with their “boycotts”. In other (my) words, consumers can “not increase” profits by “not buying” that company’s product, and if they do this enough, the company will… change their stance on the environment? Huh? How silly!

In a more sensible economic model, one takes action if he competes with that “bad” company by producing a better product (one that doesn’t pollute as a by-product, in this case) to drive the other company out of business or at least to re-examine its falling value. Alternatively, one does not buy the existing product and spreads the just cause for his objection. Hmm. Maybe if the company loses sales, they improve their product to remain competitive. Hmm. I can’t fucking stand it when people talk about taking a dent out of corporate America because it just sounds to me like they resent the immense (legitimate) accumulation of wealth. At least in this guy’s defense, he appears to be motivated by concern for the environment, although I turned it off before he could give any examples of how Coca-Cola plants clog our waterways with sludge and pour poisonous smoke into the atmosphere.

Madge, I think your interviewee is not really as concerned about the environment as he is about the stock brokers who are making a buck by betting against stocks. I turned it off too soon to hear about all the horrible things that are being done to the fragile ecosystem, but the caller was quick enough to tell me about all the money there is to be made “hurting” companies. Really, that part of the scheme made very little sense as part of the overall plan to save the environment. How does it hurt them to have people placing side bets on how they’ll sell that day? Hmm.

“Mommy Kills Best” “Bum Fuck” and the sublime Cheryl spread over the iTunes homepage great! Why don’t we have “Snowbound”, “Tongue-fu”, “Anal Witness 4”and the champions of free speech “Elegant Angle Productions”? Let’s also include a Tourettes Syndrome genre.

I’ve got a better idea how about you coming up with some solutions rather than throwing up dilemmas. In order for things to be thought through you need a thesis and an anti-thesis or were you on acid when they gave that lecture.

I’ve got a better idea how about you coming up with some solutions rather than throwing up dilemmas. In order for things to be thought through you need a thesis and an anti-thesis or were you on acid when they gave that lecture.

He’s an idea how about a gay member of the iTunes staff, of which I’m sure there are many, recommend notable gay podcasters providing:
1. They are not likely to be the subject to any liable action;
2. That there be no references to illegal file sharing;
3. Content would not be likely to encourage other “unsuitable” broadcasters to argue a case for their inclusion on iTunes;
4. Any reference to illegal sex acts have a blanket ban except for those that have a genuine claim to be a civil rights issue or that the issues discussed have an expert in the field for the purpose of psychoanalytical comment.

I’ve shit 3 times today… one large one when i woke up, a medium one at lunch and a medium one 30 mins ago… dilemma.. what is wrong with me… theyre hearty shits too.. not smelly.. but fruity

I’ve had 3 shits today, one large one when i woke, a medium one at lunch and a medium one 30 mins ago.. dilemma:- what is wrong with me.. am i a bloated lesbian too.. they werent bad shits… not smelly…quite fruity

Hello Madge, this is Steve from Ragans listenturd party in LA. The hand thing was out of love. I was just poking fun by adding a layer to the joke. I hope you didnt take it personaly. I would never want to see you loose a hand. Loved todays show and wanted to ask what the name of that song is and where to get it. She is amazing, I know you talk about her all the time on the show but I dont remember her name. I need to get back to work so I better go. Just wanted to send some love your way Madge. And tell your buddy Richard that he is very cute.
Big fan in LA

Erm, what about Queer Eye? I thought I remember you ranting about how annoyed you were that Queer Eye was featured on the iTunes home page when 4.9 first came out.

here’s a solution instead of a dilemma:

revoke the rights of natural person corporations have and use to justify their atrocious behavior.

Doing so would place corporations, a fiction created by human beings, once again under the control of human beings who have to live with the consequences of their actions.

another thing to consider, is that simply not buying a corporation’s products in order to better their behavior is the opposite of democracy.

choosing not to buy is first an economic act, implying that one must have money to affect political change. this goes against the very idea of democracy, which is a political system, in which every citizen, regardless of economic value, has a say in the direction of society.

that’s what’s underlying all of this, by the way. a denial by corporations/extreme right-wingers etc, of the very idea of society. it is a false idea. we are not all individuals operating separately from one another. our lives and actions affect one another.

heading off towards the extreme of either end results in happiness for the few at the expense of the many.

what we have in america, since reagan, has been an extreme swing towards one end. no balance.

Hey Madge,
Just started listening to you and am loving your shows.
Does anyone know what song Madge played after the Bjork near the end of the podcast?

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