
Apple Sucks Ass

Apple removed my insane films video feed, the first video blog to be available via RSS enclosures, out of the iTunes podcast directory without any notice and without the courtesy of an email notification. I will purchase no more Apple products. Period.

How convenient of Apple to do this right after I posted the groundbreaking Italian documentary that exposed what the American military did to human beings in Falluja.

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

19 replies on “Apple Sucks Ass”

who the fuck are these guys who sit around making these decisions? where the hell is the podshow pull…
Ill make sure to mention this fascist behavior on my show and everyone should do the same… anywhere you go.. point out the itunes is a heavy handed gatekeeper that hates homosexuals, censors media, and covers up war crimes.

This is a great point. Apple is spending time and resources on censoring podcasts and vlogs while they won’t spend any time on testing their products… How Americunt of Apple to make limiting content a priority. Wouldn’t want to offend the Lord Jesus Christ… Insane Films is so much more offensive than murdering thousands of civilians in the Middle East.


Insane films is art-house programming, has a loyal following, and will continue to grow.
ITunes could have given some explaination regarding guidelines as a common courtesy to Madge and the many viewers.
This policy only leaves us to guess what the reasons were which is selfish.

An Italian podcast called iPois was also pulled due to content, per the podcasters, by iTunes Italia. iPois did several shows about sex, prostitution, and marijuana so there seems to be a bit of a trend going on.

No shit…If Mr. Jobst decides to sell out his shallow soul to commerce, I say we ALL move to Amsterdam…!

(Madge, are there enough flowers in the garden for all of us…;-))

Madge, make sure you mention this in your next cast and get as many other podcasters as possible to mention it. Pressure Apple into changing it’s ways or at least clarifying its submission criteria.

The “stop and search” practice is for weapons. When I was in Amsterdam some years back a man similar in appearance to the Lawyer’s friend in the film run out of a prostitutes house with a gun, having just robbed her.
Have either of these two men been the victim of a robbery if so which would they prefer a search or a stabbing?
Are people’s human rights being breached if they are searched for weapons before entering a club?
How can a policeman determine when someone is acting suspiciously without the accusation of being prejudiced?

Arguing with the police and sticking a camera in their face at the Leidseplein in Amsterdam, now that’s a smart idea.

Sad state of affairs- i will post about it on my blog/comment on next podcast or vblog….

I think the reason Jobs has his waist so siched and stuffed is to make a hermetic seal to keep his male yeast in…

Sad state of affairs- i will post about it on my blog/comment on next podcast or vblog….

I think the reason Jobs has his waist so sinched and stuffed is to make a hermetic seal to keep his male yeast in… Fuckers.

Personally I’ve avoided iTunes since I saw that the front page was full of CBS and other big name stuff. To me the real spirit of podcasting isn’t present in the Apple, long live ipodder, fagregator, fireant and the aggregators that give an equal opportunity to all podcasters. In fact let’s stop calling them podcasts and call em juicecasts. Heh!

Write Apple. They are cocky now because sales are good… but every copy of iTunes has a feedback button… and need to be told to spend resources (censorship) elsewhere.

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