
Amy Goodman for President

Democracy Now!

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

3 replies on “Amy Goodman for President”

Yeah! Fuck that bullshit Oprah for President business… Amy Goodman is one of this country’s last real patriots.


that walmart man, he sure is nice. shucks. that walton family, you know they make 9 Billion in profit, now that sure sounds like a lot of money, but gollee, I mean, gee, they’re just scraping by. they really honest to god, they are just operating so thin–

and I know, cause I’m talking about statistics here—

and listen, you know this woman here debating me, she’s real nice– you said she was from washognton– boy that’s another– you know that in washington, they don’t seem to care about the american worker, and manufacturing jobs– boy I don’t see no one who cares about that especially not the government.

and while we’re at I just wanted to offer up a prayer or thought, thought it’d be nice cause amy your show goes to a lot of people, the prodcuer of that other film he’s waiting for a lung transplant, and I just know that the walton family, and everyone listening, would want him to get better, and that’s just an aside–

but gee, the walmart is really just a mom and pop operation really, I know, we serve 138 milllion, but ok maybe we’re a little guilty of bragging a bit, but really honestly–

we’re a small business just working on our mission and you know how washington hates small business and white men-

you know that white males are an endangered species? oh that’s just an aside– you know this woman here I’m debatiing, she has a nice little nigger son. did you know that?
just an aside.

I don’t know what the fuss is all about. walmart is just so focused on it smission.
it’s a real shame when americans get presecuted for working hard and being successful


honestly. gee whiz.

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