
YR251(REPOST) The Orgin of the Neoconts, Cunt du Lezzie’s Halloweeen Surprise, and Ragan Fox Inturdview

Turday is fun. Ragan Fox is my guest in the secunt half after I talk about the founder of Neconservatism and Cunt Lice.

Cunt Lice
Ragan Fox
Eat This Hot Show!
Keith and duh Girl
The Dawn and Drew Show
PNS explosion

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

3 replies on “YR251(REPOST) The Orgin of the Neoconts, Cunt du Lezzie’s Halloweeen Surprise, and Ragan Fox Inturdview”

Strauss thought that REASON leads to the deterioration of civilization–and faith was the salvation? How quickly we forget that faith-based barbecue, the INQUISITION…

I have a great name for your asshole: “Adelaide.” (I don’t know what made me think of it.)

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