
YR240 Girdle Spilover

What is girdle spilover, you ask? Well you’ll find out… maybe.

Psychadellic Madge from Dr. Puff
Girdle Spilover
TwinkelBoi Madge song
Angry Cheryl from Lucky Bitch Radio
Angry Zillafag
Reply from Gay Trucker podcast re: shit/cum
Amy Sedaris on Letturdmen
Flatocomments on Youngblood=gay
Starcast harelips
Mediacracy_07_Imagine_This_192k !!!great!!! via Marvin Suicide
Counting song for Wanda Wisdom
Cheryl Merkowski Exclusive Inturdview


By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

5 replies on “YR240 Girdle Spilover”

To Scott from Starcast: the area between the nose and upper lip is called the filtrum…I remember hearing something about it when I was in 5th grade. Apparently, you can’t smile without one.

A fact. Use as you wish…;-)

And I agree…Youngblood is gay. He must be. He seemed just a liiiiittle too eager to be “friendly” to homosexuals…unless he’s just doing it to get a podshow. In which case he’s just a whore. Even better! 🙂

I like that Cheryl Merkowski alot, she sounds very attractive and she sounds alot like the stalker phone message you played a couple of times way back, the one that was going to chop your head off, I hope he calls back sometime, I realise that his calls must have been frightening for an old lesbian, but I enjoyed them and I enjoy Cheryl, I can almost smell her when she’s talking.

Your show was fucking mental tonight – I am so glad Wanda pointed me towards you. The music and mixes were also great. Thanks so much Madge for important, useful great stuff.

Love from London

Will x

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