
YR247 Financial Times reports Cheney ‘cabal’ hijacked foreign policy

Vice-President Dick Cheney and a handful of others had hijacked the government’s foreign policy apparatus, deciding in secret to carry out policies that had left the US weaker and more isolated in the world, the top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell claimed on Wednesday.

In a scathing attack on the record of President George W. Bush, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to Mr Powell until last January, said: �What I saw was a cabal between the vice-president of the United States, Richard Cheney, and the secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld, on critical issues that made decisions that the bureaucracy did not know were being made.

�Now it is paying the consequences of making those decisions in secret, but far more telling to me is America is paying the consequences.�

from FT.COM via Chris Weagel

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

9 replies on “YR247 Financial Times reports Cheney ‘cabal’ hijacked foreign policy”


Thanks for posting The Power of Nightmares and The Century of the Self. I have viewed both, and I was blown away. I was left impressed with a feeling that my whole childhood (the Cold War, the “Evil” Russians, and finally the Iraq Wars) was and continues to be a big lie. The films also scared the hell out of me. Every listener should watch these two documentaries.

i been meaning to say i love the hurts and smells intros you do now, turdays had me rolling ! I’ve since listened to todays intro 14 times (itunes tells me) – gets me everytime. i love Vadge Weinstein.

Yes, Mary Matalin is married to James Carville…can you imagine sex between between a womanizing pseudo-liberal and an iron-box, ice queen conservative? Yuckums…

I remember being at a conference with Judy Miller about 5 yrs ago. It was about terrorism (and it was several months before 9/11). I remember at one point, she raised the possibility of some immigrants intending to stay in America for the 7 years it took to get their citizenship “so they could move around more freely” and cause chaos…I remember thinking it was highly unlikely. But she was the reporter, and had researched it, so I figured, oh, well, to each their own beliefs.

(Ironically, I also remember liking her personally, because she WAS very nice.)

It just boggles my mind that she could have been one of the “ins” with Bush’s administration (she seemed much smarter than that, I guess).

God, what next? Is Dr. Seuss an evil scientist? Is Santa Claus a dictator? 🙂

This Straussian philosophy also explicitly mentions using religion as a tool to control the masses. Do some more homework on Strauss and his philosophies.

The sad thing is, it always WORKS. Because people hear the “God” card played and are too devout (read: chicken-shit superstitious) to question it.

I mean, think about it: would GOD really approve of what this administration has sanctioned?

I somehow…think not…

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