
YR233 Dueling Cheryls and Tech Talk with The Girl on Tech

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First dueling Cheryls
, followed by politics, music, and then the Girl on Tech for listenturd questions.

Patrick and Noah
Pat from Boston
Joanna Newsom
Moron Tablenracles

This is the software that I use to record all of my shows now: It’s perfect for podcasting!
Ableton Live 5 Real-Time Music Production Software
Ableton Live 5 Real-Time Music Production Software

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

8 replies on “YR233 Dueling Cheryls and Tech Talk with The Girl on Tech”

Madge, did that show with Jennifer and Moe ever get published? It was intended for Sirius, but you said audioquality was insufficent for the pay-radio service.

madge -dr puff of puffcast here – I completely LOVE Ableton Live, I am amazed more podcasters haven’t discovered it for production, it just works well and promotes creativity and audio experimentation. Yeah! – the dueling cheryls was awesome. keep it up.

you know when Cheryl starts hacking after the orals… i swear that’s directly lifted from Larry David’s Curb Your Enthusiasm, when he got the pubic hair stuck in his throat.

but otherwise, your shows are sounding slick… the ableton seems to be working for you 😉 good stuff.


You have great taste in music and I’m just writing to thank you for having turned me on to Joanna Newsom. What an amazing talent! Let’s just hope she keeps off the drugs long enough to produce a few more great albums. 😉

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