
Get Mad- Call Everyone and Demand All Resources!

This would be funny if we weren’t talking about real suffering. From this CNN video of Bush in Biloxi. Bush is talking to two sobbing African-American women who have lost their house, and a white guy:

Bush to women: “There’s a Salvation Army center that I want to, that I’ll tell you where it is, and they’ll get you some help. I’m sorry…. They’ll help you…..
Woman 1: “I came here looking for clothes…”

Bush: “They’ll get you some clothes, at the Salvation Army center…”

Woman 1: “We don’t have anything…”

Bush: “I understand…. Do you know where the center is, that I’m talking to you about?”

Guy with shades: “There’s no center there, sir, it’s a truck.”

Bush: “There’s trucks?”

Guy: “There’s a school, a school about two miles away…..”

Bush: “But isn’t there a Salvation center down there?”

Guy: “No that’s wiped out….”

Bush: “A temporary center? ”

Guy: “No sir they’ve got a truck there, for food.”

Bush: “That’s what I’m saying, for food and water.”

Bush turns to the sister who’s been saying how she needs clothes.

Bush to sister: “You need food and water.”

(from Daily Kos)

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

4 replies on “Get Mad- Call Everyone and Demand All Resources!”

Great photo… if of course it wasn’t so lame. We outnumber the idiots, we just need to unite our diverse voices and scare the hell out of them so they run and hide!

I was happy to see on my walk home (in a fairly red voting, W-luvin’ city) groups on street corners protesting W. and his actions in New Orleans and the war in Iraq. Signs demanding his impeachment! I gave them a peace sign, and one woman thought I was flippin’ her off until her friend applauded my gesture. Ha!

I say the bus drivers being turned away from the Houston Astrodome, they should have the buses and media drive straight to Crawford, Texas to camp out on Dubya’s ranch. Let’s see him tell these people ‘no’ on national TV. Start a tent city there.

The old adage ‘Nero fiddles while Rome burns’ comes to mind. As a non American (I live in Scotland) I’m stunned by George W. It’s like watching a ‘Westworld’ style android losing control the way he keeps repeating the same soundbites. Will he go down in history as an evil military dictator or even the USA’s biggest serial killer ever? Sadly not.

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