
Doesn’t this photo of Cindy Sheehan being arrested with the photo of her dead son around her neck break your heart?

Anti-war protester and mother of a son who was killed in Iraq Cindy Sheehan (C) is arrested in front of the White House by U.S. Park Police during a protest in Washington September 26, 2005. Photo by Molly Riley/Reuters

By Madge

Lesbian with food allergies.

29 replies on “Doesn’t this photo of Cindy Sheehan being arrested with the photo of her dead son around her neck break your heart?”

No it doesn’t. I don’t really support the war and feel sad for this woman but hey he signed and went there he knew the risk he was running. Also I don’t like this kind of emotional communications strategies. My $0.02.
Oh and stop putting on weight you puffy biatch =)

No, I think it is funny…the only bad thing about it is that it brings her forgotten ass back into the limelight for another 15 minutes. What would be nice is if she fell off a cliff and out of history.

That photo gives me a great sense of history and pride as an activist. This is a turning point for any movement when those involved become willing to put their entire lives on hold until something is done to stop the killing. It also puts her into the same category as so many wonderful personalities throughout the history of the world who went to jail (or at least got arrested) for the cause they believed in. Hell, Im jealous of her because Im hiding out in europa instead of joining in the civil disobedience.

This is just plan sad. The fact that this woman has forgotten her son joined the army of his own free will!! He was’nt drafted, what does she think he was going to be doing, roasting marshmellows??? I am disgusted by this woman’s lack of patriotism. What a waste, maybe she should have had her son stay home with her and never grow up and be a man. What he died for was honorable and she is just dragging him in the mud, and what he died for.

yes it is sad to see her shame her sons life like that. Instead of not supporting our troops, maybe she should spend her days doing something for them instead of against them!! I am ashamed of this woman’s behavior, as a wife of a soldier about to leave for IRAQ it is sad to see people who have no clue about whats really going on over there passing there judgement on a subject they know nothing about. I have great honor being married to a soldier. My children our proud of their father and what he does. Last time I checked her son was not drafted, I guess she thinks joining the Army means sitting around a camp fire roasting marshmellows and singing songs. If somehting was to happen to my husband in IRAQ I would never in my wildest dreams expect the president to give me an explaination on why he died. I know why he would have died!! For freedom, and for Peace, those people deserve peace and freedom, and we are the ones to help them achieve it. I don’t care about WMD’s I don’t care about finding one, as a woman I care more about those woman and children living a life of torture and not knowing what freedom is, freedom to work to play freedom to express themselves like we all our doing. Am I one of the few how remember 9/11 or the curds that Saddaam murdered, including all those babies. But I guess thats o.k. because it is’nt affecting us, so why should we care.

Don’t let’s keep hearing all this bullshit about “dishonoring her son.” That’s an old bit–get some new material already.

And before we start hearing the same old platitudes “freedom isn’t free” and “they’re fighting for your freedom,” I will point out that it shouldn’t be wasted in that case.

So I intend to exercise it, before Bush outlaws IT too (and won’t THAT be a wonderful memorial to our fallen ones).

they are called Kurds, not ‘curds”, as in Kurdish.

we all want freedom and peace- but Bush did something manipulative to convince the American people we should attack Iraq- and that is linking Saddam to 9/11- that is a lie. No doubt many Americans, who are clueless, bought it. An Iraqi citizen has never ever attacked the USA. That would be Saudi Arabia. Anyway yes the USA can help Iraq but lets not forget the lie Bush sold the USA to justify this war. And by the way if they knew there were no WMD why do you think they invaded Iraq? O I L

speaking of war for oil:
What’s going to happen when oil production peaks? What kind of wars will we wage when there’s not enough to go around and price is dictated by supply and not demand. War with the suppliers (Saudi Arabia, Venezuela)? or with consumers like China? I shudder at the thought.

There aren’t any alternative energy sources that are currently commercially viable, but there may soon be.

Check out Nanosolar. They’ve developed some very inovative manufacturing processes. With the advent of nanotechnology many new energy gathing and energy saving technologies will become availiable- that is, with the appropriate funding for research.

There’s something to write your congressmen about.

For some reason I cannot post here from Firefox. Let’s dust off IE:

No it doesn’t break my heart. I don’t really support the war and feel sad for this woman but hey he signed and went there he knew the risk he was running. Also I don’t like this kind of emotional communications strategies. My $0.02.
Oh and stop putting on weight you puffy biatch =)

I see the project for a new american century has clearly linked yeast radio! Onward christian soldiers! First Baghdad.. then Damascus.. then Amman.. and finally over the Jerusalem… god save the king.. oh I mean the president.

A country in a state of perpetual war without end is anything BUT free. The word patriotism is such an abused and manipulated word, I miss the old days when we called a spade a spade… this is the next generation of fascism and colonialism.

This is just another fine example that the Bush administration doesn’t have a clue how to deal with anything. And oh, did you know that more people were killed in the “evacuation” for hurricane Rita than by the actual hurricane itself? Another job well done!

perhaps some of us are missing the point here. judgements of this woman aside – she was arrested for voicing her opinion. so what “freedom” are “we” fighting for? i know that dissenters have been getting arrested for ages now – but it still pisses me off when we are killing people and arresting people in the name of “freedom.”

also, i highly doubt that ms. sheehan thought her son would be roasting marshmallows in the military – but she has every right to be pissed that her son died for an unnecessary war that was started based on lies and greed – not all the bullshit the administration and its media are claiming it’s for. and by the way, “patriotism” is not blindly following whatever you are fed. Dissent is highly patriotic. What is it that we are supposedly spreading throughout the world – democracy?

You shouldn’t be too surprised…the Iraq war is the one thing that polarizes everyone in this country and fractures our unity beyond repair (it used to be abortion).

I AM glad that at least some of the people who are writing in support of the war have loved ones who are serving, so at least they don’t take it lightly. They understand and are close to the sacrifices that must be made. Not like some sleazy stockbroker or something…

I was just meaning here on the yeasts. I guess I wrongly assumed there was not many pro-war supporters listening to madge. But if they are, I think that is wonderful and I am glad they are open to other opinions and media.

Why do americans need a celebrity and a picture before they start to think? Is reason subject to the 15 minutes of infamy or fame accorded on the basis of the celebrated status of an individual. This does not bode well for the appreciation of facts for themselves and enables the monopolisation of Truth by those who are able to exert the most control over the media.

Additionally, why is it that dissenters, as illustrated above, tend to mistake insults for arguments?

It does. But it pisses me off. I thought as citizens we have the right and the duty to question our government. Why do conservatives and war mongers get off at the idea of “if your not with us you’re against us!”? What is that fear about?
This war means nothing to us. It’s not about WMD’s or providing peace to a country whose social mores we don’t even understand. It’s about lining the pockets of a bunch of fat sweaty cocksuckers like Cheny and Bush and the other suits at Halliburton. The blood of Cindy Sheehan’s son is on thier hands.

“Why do conservatives and war mongers get off at the idea of “if your not with us you’re against us!”? What is that fear about?”

Because they don’t have strong arguments that withstand scrutiny, and they know it…they SHOULD be scared.

Can you see on the pic if she’s handcuffed? Arresting someone is one thing but handcuffing a non-violent woman whose son died on the battlefield certainly sucks!

Yes, she is handcuffed. But as you said, “hey he signed and went there he knew the risk he was running.” So it’s her problem, isn’t it? She got in the way of the “machine,” she must be stopped…

I like the mix of opinions in this discussion. However there was only one true statement: This thing here is about freedom of speech.

Even if this woman’s son had invented the concept of war and the gun, given birth to Wolfowitz himself, had offered to pay for his plane ticket to Iraq, prepared Colin Powell’s powerpoint presentation which proved the existence of weapons of mass whatever and, worst of all, actually believed that he was putting his life at risk for some greater good, then this woman still has all the right in the world (at least on would think so) to fucking open her mouth and say that she is pissed cause her son died in a war she thinks was not worth fighting.

“her son signed up for the war himself”

What does this has to do with her expressing her opinion. If he signed up for the army with his Mum standing behind him pointing a gun to his head…fair enough..may she rotten in hell together with the other phoney bastards that are tearing your country into pieces.

But if this is all you can think of…
Support your tropes but don’t mourn them when they get killed, cause their mums made them go

I like the mix of opinions in this discussion. However there was only one true statement: This thing here is about freedom of speech.

Even if this woman’s son had invented the concept of war and the gun, given birth to Wolfowitz himself, had offered to pay for his plane ticket to Iraq, prepared Colin Powell’s powerpoint presentation which proved the existence of weapons of mass whatever and, worst of all, actually believed that he was putting the life at risk for some greater good, then this woman still has all the right in the world (at least on would think so) to fucking open her mouth and say that she is pissed cause her son died in a war she thinks was not worth fighting.

“her son signed up for the war himself”

What does this has to do with her expressing her opinion. If he signed up for the army with his Mum standing behind him holding a gun to his head…fair enough..may she rotten in hell together with the other phoney bastards that are tearing your country into pieces.

cold hearts are heart to breake, so why bother trying

“cold hearts are heart to breake, so why bother trying ”

We’ve given up on their hearts now…we’re going straight for their balls.

(Does anyone have a pair of tweezers we can borrow…?)

As a European living in the UK, and seeing a protestor at Tony Blairs labour party conference being ejected from the venue for shouting ‘liar’ and ‘nonsense’ during a speech by Foreign Secretary Jack Straw churnig out the usual bullshit about democracy in Iraq, I was sickened. To make matters worse, this old guy was temporiarily ‘held’ under prevention of terrorism laws!
It is every persons responsibility not to forget these events so that they can inform their voting in all upcoming elections in ‘coalition-my-arse’ countries – I am lucky enough to be able to vote in the UK despite not being a citizen, along with some other benefits (a pretty open media, a less TV numbed, petrol Numbed, mediocrity numbed society).

I am also a bit upset by the callous comments of some here about Cindy Sheehan. However she wants to grieve thats her business, people cream themselves when mothers set up pressure groups for kids who die from this and that (all that ‘Jenny’s law’ stuff) – I see no difference. This ‘war on terra’ has created a whole new definition of innocent/guilty/combatant/non combatant/freedom fighter/insurgent/terra-ist so I really dont think the ‘he signed up for it’ crassness really stands true. Patriotism is one thing (mind you its not a concept with much currency in most of Europe – thankfully!) but blind jingoism is another.

Finally, Finally – Im irish and have all my life grown up with Northern Ireland ‘terrorism/freedom fighting’ in the background. After 30 years (or 400 depending on your tradition) of fighting – what did we all have to learn? Political and cultural interventions are the only things that solves these problems – Ok were not out of the woods yet, but a hell of a lot closer that Israel/Palestine and the pending civil war in Iraq.
Oh and the UK government is negotiating with Saudi Arabia ( that Bush family friend and bastion of ‘yeah-sure democracy) to deliver 40billion dollars ot war planes, while next door in Iraq its imposing democracy.
thanks for the providing an opportunity for discussion, love the show

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