This is NOT a post to be skimmed. I want to make sure you understand that this is an email exchange in reverse chronological order. A “friend” Michael Yamnitsky send me a long racist email and I replied to it. Then he replied to my reply and I replied back. My replies are in italics. Michael’s email is [email protected] .
Month: August 2005
YR195 Reunited?
Class Reunion, Carmel High School class of ’85.
YR194 Abortion Rights and Freedom
A 100% serious Yeast Radio, my guest is . Terry, more than any other individual, is responsible for keeping abortion legal in Illinois.
This is a very important podcast. Please don’t ignore this issue.
YR193 Eight is Great!
A real life FAN visturd me! This is another tripple yeast- 90 minutes of your listening pleasures!
Turday, Jennifer, the Girl on Tech, talks about inexpensive Mac setups, getting your feeds right for iTunes, getting your stats right, and lots of fun chit chat.
Show Notes:
YR191 Peters’ Peter
The video blogger who got his kids taken away for his vlog. Introducing Nathan Peters, the most provacative vlogger I can think of.
Subscribe to via iTunes to see Nathan’s big floppy penis!
also visit
YR190 Mystery Guest! Yay!
We get to play “What’s My Line”, and guess who is my celebrity guest.
00:00 Madge Mix by… ? Han Solo?
01:50 FlatoYeast Theme
02:13 Babble
03:00 CDP: Don Hate! Don Hate! (CDP has a blog now!
04:52 Ramble on. Sing my song.
08:55 Mystery Guest
35:40 Yeast Theme by Taylor E. Ross
35:55 GET ME ON ITUNES 100!
Help get Wanda Wisdom a Mac even though I had to pay for mine.
YR189 Tripple Header of Yeast Turday!
A Yeast Radio first, here is a three-in-one special of the Yeast. This show is almost 1.5 hours long. Enjoy!
00:00 Pdub Plug
00:10 ChubCreek’s Yeast
02:45 CandyGirls bo ba dee
04:00 Bloated Lesbian Blues by ???
05:00 blah blah blah
05:56 Julie ??? sent by Daves Caldersabansks
08:24 En0
20:39 CDP (Cock DIck Pussy) Podcast
24:53 Hollywood Squares
25:50 Cleaning Woman from Record Label interview
28:51 Abortioncast on Accupuncture
37:00 local house (forgot the name)
43:10 Mahalia Jackson – It’s in My Heart
46:45 Joan Sutherland as Lucia, Bell Teleph0ne H0ur
49:07 t3chn0log1c
55:30 Wanda Wisdom needs money for a change even though she doesn’t link to me any more now that she’s a big star.
1:00:40 Burroughs- The End of the Human Line
1:06:41 Psych1c TV – Jesus Walked on the Wat3r
1:12:33 What is it? – Lydia Lunch & Richard Hell
1:14:20 The rest of Joan Sutherland as Lucia, Bell Teleph0ne H0ur
1:24:10 Madge Weinstein Doll by Zeeche
Madge is honored to present to you her first ever live interview with Podfather Adam Curry and even more exclusively, a chat with his lovely daughter Christina Curry. Of course you have to listen to me bitch and complain for 20 minutes before the good stuff. Don’t skip it.
A Woman of Luna
Show Bloats:
00:00 pdub granson plug
00:15 Dave@Chub Creek podcast‘s song “She Will Bloat”
01:21 Bushism
01:45 Madge complaining Senseo Menstruation
03:15 Visit> for latest Vaginal Flotsam squish-up.
Also- for Amy Goodman’s lecture last week.
08:15 Chauncey is old
09:30 Vagina Song-B100dhound Gang
11:39 Beat Poets victory
12:37 Heaven Gallery sucks.
Read Artvamp’s post.
The SleaZe Fest and Z Fest
17:43 Calling Dave of Heaven G-Rated Gallery
19:50 Adam Curry interview.
32:30 Christina Curry