Thank you, Madge. You have excellent interviewing skills and I have always enjoyed your insightful questions and dialog.
frightening, but educational…admired your cool
nice guest, interesting show and I came – thanks.
Good job w/the interview. David sounds like an intelligent person, but what bothers me is that he lumps all Islam under the “terrorist” umbrella just because he hasn’t heard of an Islamic leader denouncing terrorism. Pretty strong opinion there – which, of course, in the USA he has the right to express.
You should interview some more “republicunts”. Makes for an interesting show.
Maybe I didn’t make myself clear, I thought I did with that analogy of Mel Gibson and his sect in the Catholic Church. If they were doing the same as the Islamic Terrists are and there was not a large out cry, I would be saying the same thing about catholics; and so would the vast majority of people. To the extent some people are; I haven’t heard it. And I do get information from other outlets than FOX. Muslums have been given a great gift of religous free in this country and with that gift there is a responsibilty. If some are speaking out and not being heard then they should be saying it louder and more often. It is also my responsibility to listen closer. I will checkout some of there sites.
Hi Madge,
Why are you always acting so surprised people keep refering to you as a transvestite instead of the lesbian you are, if you keep refering to yourself as ‘flikker’ and ‘poot’;-)!
That you are;-)
Best line in the show; “Islam attacked us..[first]..”
I think I laughed the hardest at that.
I’d really like to hear an interview with this man and Berbacia.
In addition, several of the family members who lost loved ones in the London attacks are Muslim and have condemned the attacks.
Also, there are some great blogs by Muslims that offer a differenct perspective: islamicate Dervish
Plus, the (CAIR) regularly comes out with statements against terrorism. In fact, they are working on an ad to condemn the kinds of bombings that recently occurred in London.
There’s also the that works within the Muslim community to advocate for peaceful solutions and to emphasize the peace teachings of the faith.
OK, I’ll stop now with the links.
Great interview, by the way.
You’re my favorite lesbean podcaster!
For some reason the links to CAIR and the Muslim Peace Fellowship didn’t work.
i found love today, i met a lovely chinese girl named Mong, Mong works in a nearby grocery store as a checkout grrl, her english is poor but she has lovely smile and nice lips, i will kiss her tomorrow and on saturday i will romance her at movies, i think i will want to marry this Mong, what do you think…… sorry I realise i on the wrong site.
Play ping pong with Mong.
Brilliant show Madge. Thank you. There are a LOT of people that should hear this.
Tell them!
Absolutely amazing! It’s really interesting to hear the viewpoint on the other side of the fence. I am really amazed at how irrational some of David’s views were, though. There are a lot of extreme double standards in that line of thinking and I think certain sensational media outlets play into that quite a bit. It’s nice to see two people of opposing viewpoints discussing these things rationally without the theatrics that ratings-hungry pseudo debate shows like to promote. I think things wouldn’t be quite as tense in this country if more people were willing to hear the viewpoints of others with an open mind. Your show is a great example of this and hopefully more media outlets continue this trend.
Dear Madge,
I heard you say in the interview that you are not a “Zionist.” What is your position on the issue of palestine? Do you favor a 2 state solution like the CPUSA? Or are you in favor of one, democratic secular state in Palestine with rights for jews, arabs, etc. This is the position of Al-Awda, the Palestinian right to return coalition, and others. “From the river to the sea, palestine will be free!” Is what they chant.
I will most likely attend the “Labor For Palestine” conference next Saturday at UIC. I say that we in the U.S. should say “No U.S. aid to Israel, and divest from Israel” like the Presbyterian church and others have proposed.
We need to get our unions in the U$A to divest from Israeli bonds which support the racist, aparteid state of Israel.
What do you think, Madge?
I’m against war and the murder of babies in particular. Both “sides” do that. I have no idea what the solution is. I don’t know enough on the subject to know. But I do know that neither “side” is right. The solution has to be fair, or as close to it as possible. Murderers need to be taken out of power by the citziens of each nation.
Including ours! Thanks for being here Madge! I’m trying to round up more “Madge-ic” followers for you by spreading the Madge-ic everywhere.
Could you send me another packet to dissolve in warm water with some sugar? Fleischmann’s will do if you don’t have anything else…
And I want my toaster oven when the recruiting drive is finished! 🙂
I found out I got nominated for a podcast award!
And this surprises you?
Damn, I hit “send” too fast! Anyway…I’M surprised you haven’t been nominated for one before…but they probably haven’t had such an award until now. Just think! You could be like the first lesbian who won an Oscar! (Who was that, like Alla Nazimova or something? :-))
This is your best work yet!! Wow! This is amazing. Finally, a dialouge between both sides that is civil! I really enjoyed this podcast and I cannot wait for you to talk to him some more. If we could just sit down with every republicunt and talk to them like this than maybe we might have hope of reaching some kind of common ground! The sad fact is that most of them dont want to listen to anything the rest of us have to say and all they do is spout off their platitudes without thinking about what it is they are saying.
I know its cliched but I believe that education is the great equalizer. If both sides would educate eachother as to how they come to conclusions on social and foreign issues then this country, FUCK IT, THE WORLD would be a better place. Alas, I do believe this is asking much right now.
Darling Madge,
I think you should have more interviews like this. While i appreciate your normal roster of people you talk to, it is a bit like preaching to the choir. And it helps if your guest has an open mind and is willing to reflect on his positions.
While we’re on the topic, I believe he mentioned that he would feel better about Muslims if some of them spoke out against terrorism. I saw this on the BBC and I hope he saw it, too:
Muslim leaders in call for action
Britain’s top Muslims have branded the London suicide bombings “utterly criminal, totally reprehensible, and absolutely un-Islamic”.
Bazooka Joe
I’ve got to be honest: This interview blew my mind. I have more questions and sadness for the Republican majority in this country more than ever. How can it seem that a political party thrives and gains popularity by simply not researching, reading and understanding the world enough?
This country is lazy.
>>How can it seem that a political party thrives and gains popularity by simply not researching, reading and understanding the world enough?
‘LONDON — Prime Minister Tony Blair (search) warned on Saturday that an “evil ideology” of Islamic extremism was bent on spreading terror through the West, and authorities on three continents widened investigations into the London terrorist bombings. The death toll rose to 55.’
The islamic people must not be complicit in this Terror.
The key word is extremism. A lot of religions have extremists. This just shows that belief can be a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. For example, just look at pro-lifers who bomb abortion clinics. I have never heard Christians as a whole openly deny any association with people like these (although I could be wrong), yet it is commonly known that those are people not directly associated with Christianity because most people in this country are aware of tenets of that belief system. If more people were aware of Islamic belief, there probably wouldn’t be as much racial profiling and we could begin to focus on finding the real criminals who caused these events. Blaming Islamic people as a whole is a broad generalization and it doesn’t help anyone.
A very large number of Islamist are killing large numbers of innocent, I repeat, INNOCENT men, women and children. These Islamists have hyjacked a religon. I think the good poeple of Islam have a responsibility to clean up their religon. Their non action is making our job that much harder. I don’t see why this is such a hard concept to grasp.
What about the men, women, and children that WE kill? Are they guilty?
>>A very large number of Islamist are killing large numbers of innocent, I repeat, INNOCENT men, women and children. These Islamists have hyjacked a religon. I think the good poeple of Islam have a responsibility to clean up their religon. Their non action is making our job that much harder. I don’t see why this is such a hard concept to grasp
I’m not sure which M, W& C you are talking about. You are much more intelligent than to compare the accidental deaths of innocent M,W&C in a war of liberation to the designed boomings of the ‘Islamic Terrorists’ designed to inflict as much damage as possible to M,W&C. I would love to hear your logic in that.
I think a true dialogue will only exists between both sides when they each renounce tawdry catch phrases like “war of liberation” and “Freedom Fries.” Jingoism might have worked nicely in World War II, but it seems like a putrid slap in the face during what’s proven to be a bottomless quagmire with no exit. Since the Iraqi people are still not free (they have always been ruled by theocracies, and they always WILL be, because it’s all they’ve ever known), what “liberation” is this war intended to achieve? The liberation of their souls from their bodies?!
At least it’s permanent, I suppose.
>>How can it seem that a political party thrives and gains popularity by simply not researching, reading and understanding the world enough?
All political parties can be accused of that
David, are you saying that Islamists should speak out against terrorists and explain that their religion has nothing to do with that just because some people are too lazy or ignorant to do the research to understand their beliefs? You said in the interview that Catholics speak out against such things. Maybe it’s just the cynical side in me but that sounds more like a PR move so that they don’t get bad press. Do Muslims have to explain their beliefs just because a few of them are complete nutcases and take things too far? I understand where you are coming from, but blaming all of Islam is nothing more than discrimination and it is that mentality that advocates the current racial tension in this country. If only people would do research on these beliefs they would see that their hatred and fear is completely unfounded and that all of it spawns from misunderstanding and sensationalistic media.
Sadly, people don’t want to do no dadburned research…selective perception is so much easier, weeding out the information for those little morsels that bolster our own viewpoints. I think both sides are guilty of this. But even in a “big picture” context, extremism is the enemy–neither Occidental nor Oriental beliefs are wholly to blame.
If we were to meet “republicunts” without any mention of political affiliation or discussion of where our beliefs fall within the issue of Islam, we would discover that we’re more alike than different. That’s what everyone needs to focus on–there will always be nutjobs on all sides. For every Osama or al-Zarawi, there will be an Anita Bryant or Jerry Falwell to complete the picture…perhaps they should all have their own little reality show: “I’m a Fuckface, Get me Out of Here.”
(And we won’t. Let them stew in their own stink.)
Aaron, How on earth can you compare, Osama or al-Zarawi to Anita Bryant or Jerry Falwell. That just blows my mind. A little symmetry here.
Crazy is crazy, buddy. It may manifest itself differently, and it may work in varying degrees, but they’re all extremists. The extremists here prefer to systematically break down their opponents by humiliating and taking away their political power, whereas Islamic extremists prefer bloodshed. The end result is a fucked-up society, so it all comes to the same thing.
Dear Madge
Continually enjoying the variety of your shows…and this one was thought provoking…
Kudos to David for appearing. He seems a nice, decent guy with interesting and original (to me) views – if muddled. Even more I admired you for patiently teasing out the ignorance.
What struck me was that when Madge pointed out to the US adminsitration’s lies or other inconsistency that David (represented a mindset) always seemed to come against a self-censoring impediment of trust in authority.
I guess that might change with Madge as his new role model!
Keep up with the shows!
I’m not sure what Lies you are talking about. Whatever the Pres. was saying people in the previous administration was saying; even the First Black President, he was saying pretty much the same thing. People from differing points in the politial spectrum, were all saying basically the same thing. How can, I’m sure you believe, the numbest man in the history of politics know more than everybody else. The smartest man ever to be president knew less than Pres. Bush. Man, you can’t have it both ways; to have Bush be the dunbest when it suits you and smartest when it suits you. I’m not sure what lies you are talking about. And that ignorance comment. That should be topic for another very long post.
Thanks but I find it hard to follow what your points mean. I’ll clarify my point about ignorance – I expect you know much more than me about many things but the point I was referring to was mainly what you said that Bush went to war in Iraq to fight terrorism.
You’re deceiving yourself if you think that was the reason – he may have implied as such to make you believe that. I don’t need to go into detail as it’s covered elsewhere as to the real reason.
Incidentally, a report has just been published here (UK) by a research company called Chatham house (and allegedly supported by a leaked Foreign Office report) saying that our actions have caused more terrorism than would have happened if Iraq wasn’t invaded. (Rather obvious really). The UK Govt’s weak response was we don’t know what would have happened if we didn’t invade.
Reagrdless of any political fence you sit on (yeah, Clinton lied too) isn’t it right to consider making people accountable for a whole other class of lie that has caused thoudsands of deaths, basically for profit and political gain?
Wow Madge, heerlijke show en een geweldig interview… 😀 Ik heb echt liggen genieten…
45 replies on “YR180 – The Other Side”
Thank you, Madge. You have excellent interviewing skills and I have always enjoyed your insightful questions and dialog.
frightening, but educational…admired your cool
nice guest, interesting show and I came – thanks.
Good job w/the interview. David sounds like an intelligent person, but what bothers me is that he lumps all Islam under the “terrorist” umbrella just because he hasn’t heard of an Islamic leader denouncing terrorism. Pretty strong opinion there – which, of course, in the USA he has the right to express.
You should interview some more “republicunts”. Makes for an interesting show.
Michael Oster
F7 Sound and Vision
the Difficult Listening Channel –
ReGurgiTron –
my blog –
Maybe I didn’t make myself clear, I thought I did with that analogy of Mel Gibson and his sect in the Catholic Church. If they were doing the same as the Islamic Terrists are and there was not a large out cry, I would be saying the same thing about catholics; and so would the vast majority of people. To the extent some people are; I haven’t heard it. And I do get information from other outlets than FOX. Muslums have been given a great gift of religous free in this country and with that gift there is a responsibilty. If some are speaking out and not being heard then they should be saying it louder and more often. It is also my responsibility to listen closer. I will checkout some of there sites.
Hi Madge,
Why are you always acting so surprised people keep refering to you as a transvestite instead of the lesbian you are, if you keep refering to yourself as ‘flikker’ and ‘poot’;-)!
That you are;-)
Best line in the show; “Islam attacked us..[first]..”
I think I laughed the hardest at that.
I’d really like to hear an interview with this man and Berbacia.
Britain’s top Muslim scholars are preparing to issue a “fatwa” to condemn those behind the bombings.
In addition, several of the family members who lost loved ones in the London attacks are Muslim and have condemned the attacks.
Also, there are some great blogs by Muslims that offer a differenct perspective:
Plus, the (CAIR) regularly comes out with statements against terrorism. In fact, they are working on an ad to condemn the kinds of bombings that recently occurred in London.
There’s also the that works within the Muslim community to advocate for peaceful solutions and to emphasize the peace teachings of the faith.
OK, I’ll stop now with the links.
Great interview, by the way.
You’re my favorite lesbean podcaster!
For some reason the links to CAIR and the Muslim Peace Fellowship didn’t work.
Muslim Peace Fellowship
I hoped that worked.
i found love today, i met a lovely chinese girl named Mong, Mong works in a nearby grocery store as a checkout grrl, her english is poor but she has lovely smile and nice lips, i will kiss her tomorrow and on saturday i will romance her at movies, i think i will want to marry this Mong, what do you think…… sorry I realise i on the wrong site.
Play ping pong with Mong.
Brilliant show Madge. Thank you. There are a LOT of people that should hear this.
Tell them!
Absolutely amazing! It’s really interesting to hear the viewpoint on the other side of the fence. I am really amazed at how irrational some of David’s views were, though. There are a lot of extreme double standards in that line of thinking and I think certain sensational media outlets play into that quite a bit. It’s nice to see two people of opposing viewpoints discussing these things rationally without the theatrics that ratings-hungry pseudo debate shows like to promote. I think things wouldn’t be quite as tense in this country if more people were willing to hear the viewpoints of others with an open mind. Your show is a great example of this and hopefully more media outlets continue this trend.
Dear Madge,
I heard you say in the interview that you are not a “Zionist.” What is your position on the issue of palestine? Do you favor a 2 state solution like the CPUSA? Or are you in favor of one, democratic secular state in Palestine with rights for jews, arabs, etc. This is the position of Al-Awda, the Palestinian right to return coalition, and others. “From the river to the sea, palestine will be free!” Is what they chant.
I will most likely attend the “Labor For Palestine” conference next Saturday at UIC. I say that we in the U.S. should say “No U.S. aid to Israel, and divest from Israel” like the Presbyterian church and others have proposed.
We need to get our unions in the U$A to divest from Israeli bonds which support the racist, aparteid state of Israel.
What do you think, Madge?
I’m against war and the murder of babies in particular. Both “sides” do that. I have no idea what the solution is. I don’t know enough on the subject to know. But I do know that neither “side” is right. The solution has to be fair, or as close to it as possible. Murderers need to be taken out of power by the citziens of each nation.
Including ours! Thanks for being here Madge! I’m trying to round up more “Madge-ic” followers for you by spreading the Madge-ic everywhere.
Could you send me another packet to dissolve in warm water with some sugar? Fleischmann’s will do if you don’t have anything else…
And I want my toaster oven when the recruiting drive is finished! 🙂
I found out I got nominated for a podcast award!
And this surprises you?
Damn, I hit “send” too fast! Anyway…I’M surprised you haven’t been nominated for one before…but they probably haven’t had such an award until now. Just think! You could be like the first lesbian who won an Oscar! (Who was that, like Alla Nazimova or something? :-))
This is your best work yet!! Wow! This is amazing. Finally, a dialouge between both sides that is civil! I really enjoyed this podcast and I cannot wait for you to talk to him some more. If we could just sit down with every republicunt and talk to them like this than maybe we might have hope of reaching some kind of common ground! The sad fact is that most of them dont want to listen to anything the rest of us have to say and all they do is spout off their platitudes without thinking about what it is they are saying.
I know its cliched but I believe that education is the great equalizer. If both sides would educate eachother as to how they come to conclusions on social and foreign issues then this country, FUCK IT, THE WORLD would be a better place. Alas, I do believe this is asking much right now.
Darling Madge,
I think you should have more interviews like this. While i appreciate your normal roster of people you talk to, it is a bit like preaching to the choir. And it helps if your guest has an open mind and is willing to reflect on his positions.
While we’re on the topic, I believe he mentioned that he would feel better about Muslims if some of them spoke out against terrorism. I saw this on the BBC and I hope he saw it, too:
Muslim leaders in call for action
Britain’s top Muslims have branded the London suicide bombings “utterly criminal, totally reprehensible, and absolutely un-Islamic”.
Bazooka Joe
I’ve got to be honest: This interview blew my mind. I have more questions and sadness for the Republican majority in this country more than ever. How can it seem that a political party thrives and gains popularity by simply not researching, reading and understanding the world enough?
This country is lazy.
>>How can it seem that a political party thrives and gains popularity by simply not researching, reading and understanding the world enough?
‘LONDON — Prime Minister Tony Blair (search) warned on Saturday that an “evil ideology” of Islamic extremism was bent on spreading terror through the West, and authorities on three continents widened investigations into the London terrorist bombings. The death toll rose to 55.’
The islamic people must not be complicit in this Terror.
The key word is extremism. A lot of religions have extremists. This just shows that belief can be a dangerous thing in the wrong hands. For example, just look at pro-lifers who bomb abortion clinics. I have never heard Christians as a whole openly deny any association with people like these (although I could be wrong), yet it is commonly known that those are people not directly associated with Christianity because most people in this country are aware of tenets of that belief system. If more people were aware of Islamic belief, there probably wouldn’t be as much racial profiling and we could begin to focus on finding the real criminals who caused these events. Blaming Islamic people as a whole is a broad generalization and it doesn’t help anyone.
A very large number of Islamist are killing large numbers of innocent, I repeat, INNOCENT men, women and children. These Islamists have hyjacked a religon. I think the good poeple of Islam have a responsibility to clean up their religon. Their non action is making our job that much harder. I don’t see why this is such a hard concept to grasp.
What about the men, women, and children that WE kill? Are they guilty?
>>A very large number of Islamist are killing large numbers of innocent, I repeat, INNOCENT men, women and children. These Islamists have hyjacked a religon. I think the good poeple of Islam have a responsibility to clean up their religon. Their non action is making our job that much harder. I don’t see why this is such a hard concept to grasp
I’m not sure which M, W& C you are talking about. You are much more intelligent than to compare the accidental deaths of innocent M,W&C in a war of liberation to the designed boomings of the ‘Islamic Terrorists’ designed to inflict as much damage as possible to M,W&C. I would love to hear your logic in that.
I think a true dialogue will only exists between both sides when they each renounce tawdry catch phrases like “war of liberation” and “Freedom Fries.” Jingoism might have worked nicely in World War II, but it seems like a putrid slap in the face during what’s proven to be a bottomless quagmire with no exit. Since the Iraqi people are still not free (they have always been ruled by theocracies, and they always WILL be, because it’s all they’ve ever known), what “liberation” is this war intended to achieve? The liberation of their souls from their bodies?!
At least it’s permanent, I suppose.
>>How can it seem that a political party thrives and gains popularity by simply not researching, reading and understanding the world enough?
All political parties can be accused of that
David, are you saying that Islamists should speak out against terrorists and explain that their religion has nothing to do with that just because some people are too lazy or ignorant to do the research to understand their beliefs? You said in the interview that Catholics speak out against such things. Maybe it’s just the cynical side in me but that sounds more like a PR move so that they don’t get bad press. Do Muslims have to explain their beliefs just because a few of them are complete nutcases and take things too far? I understand where you are coming from, but blaming all of Islam is nothing more than discrimination and it is that mentality that advocates the current racial tension in this country. If only people would do research on these beliefs they would see that their hatred and fear is completely unfounded and that all of it spawns from misunderstanding and sensationalistic media.
Sadly, people don’t want to do no dadburned research…selective perception is so much easier, weeding out the information for those little morsels that bolster our own viewpoints. I think both sides are guilty of this. But even in a “big picture” context, extremism is the enemy–neither Occidental nor Oriental beliefs are wholly to blame.
If we were to meet “republicunts” without any mention of political affiliation or discussion of where our beliefs fall within the issue of Islam, we would discover that we’re more alike than different. That’s what everyone needs to focus on–there will always be nutjobs on all sides. For every Osama or al-Zarawi, there will be an Anita Bryant or Jerry Falwell to complete the picture…perhaps they should all have their own little reality show: “I’m a Fuckface, Get me Out of Here.”
(And we won’t. Let them stew in their own stink.)
Aaron, How on earth can you compare, Osama or al-Zarawi to Anita Bryant or Jerry Falwell. That just blows my mind. A little symmetry here.
Crazy is crazy, buddy. It may manifest itself differently, and it may work in varying degrees, but they’re all extremists. The extremists here prefer to systematically break down their opponents by humiliating and taking away their political power, whereas Islamic extremists prefer bloodshed. The end result is a fucked-up society, so it all comes to the same thing.
Dear Madge
Continually enjoying the variety of your shows…and this one was thought provoking…
Kudos to David for appearing. He seems a nice, decent guy with interesting and original (to me) views – if muddled. Even more I admired you for patiently teasing out the ignorance.
What struck me was that when Madge pointed out to the US adminsitration’s lies or other inconsistency that David (represented a mindset) always seemed to come against a self-censoring impediment of trust in authority.
I guess that might change with Madge as his new role model!
Keep up with the shows!
I’m not sure what Lies you are talking about. Whatever the Pres. was saying people in the previous administration was saying; even the First Black President, he was saying pretty much the same thing. People from differing points in the politial spectrum, were all saying basically the same thing. How can, I’m sure you believe, the numbest man in the history of politics know more than everybody else. The smartest man ever to be president knew less than Pres. Bush. Man, you can’t have it both ways; to have Bush be the dunbest when it suits you and smartest when it suits you. I’m not sure what lies you are talking about. And that ignorance comment. That should be topic for another very long post.
Thanks but I find it hard to follow what your points mean. I’ll clarify my point about ignorance – I expect you know much more than me about many things but the point I was referring to was mainly what you said that Bush went to war in Iraq to fight terrorism.
You’re deceiving yourself if you think that was the reason – he may have implied as such to make you believe that. I don’t need to go into detail as it’s covered elsewhere as to the real reason.
Incidentally, a report has just been published here (UK) by a research company called Chatham house (and allegedly supported by a leaked Foreign Office report) saying that our actions have caused more terrorism than would have happened if Iraq wasn’t invaded. (Rather obvious really). The UK Govt’s weak response was we don’t know what would have happened if we didn’t invade.
Reagrdless of any political fence you sit on (yeah, Clinton lied too) isn’t it right to consider making people accountable for a whole other class of lie that has caused thoudsands of deaths, basically for profit and political gain?
Wow Madge, heerlijke show en een geweldig interview… 😀 Ik heb echt liggen genieten…